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Aphrael was not in any way susceptible to human illnesses, so this was no simple miasmic fever or one of the innumerable childhood diseases that humans catch, endure and get over.
'if we survive, we will spend some time returning home. I think we can learn all we need during that time. For now, I am tired, as is Pug. I think I will sleep.
Another three or four dozen soldiers were moving off, attempting to wait a minute or so before leaving, so that each group of men might not stumble upon the heels of those before.
Their depth was entirely conjectural. Away from the Gate itself The perceptions of the visitors were at first baffled, disorientated by the contrasts of what might easily be considered a surreal or even hallucinogenic landscape except it was all too real.
Weldon W. Weldon, you're under arrest for five murders and one attempted murder, he said. Weldon cackled insanely. You can't arrest me! he screamed.
The only sound was the slow creak of branches in the cold breeze. 'Rise, my children.' Accompanied by the renewed racket of movement, all came to their feet.
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