In loving memory of
Dino Paul Crocetti
June 7, 1917 - Dec 25, 1995


It's coming up now on the third anniversary of the death of Dean Martin's human body.
It always makes Christmas a little sadder for me and probably for most of you.
But as much as we miss the man himself, Mr. Martin has left us with an enduring
legacy of great work that we can enjoy year round.
His family and the friends that helped him to put out such an incredible
catalog of genuis must be very proud of his staying power in such a fickle world.
Dean Martin is still a force to be reckoned with in the entertainment industry and --
after 50+ years -- that's saying a heck of a lot.
But more than that, we also want to salute the man.
A man who was not only incredibly talented, but who -- from every source I have been able to discover -- was a loving, caring, generous, generally good-hearted man & Beloved father.
So this Christmas, put on a Dean Martin Christmas CD, turn on the lights, and lift a glass to the greatest entertainer the world has ever known -- Mr. Dean Martin!!
-A. Kim Fuller




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