Jeweled Amber Story Directory

The stories listed here are supporting information for the Diners of Amber article and are elements of the closed Jeweled Amber campaign.

Most of the stories were common knowledge in Amber, were Articles of Submission, or were character logs. While the characters may not have read the stories themselves, they may have heard, in conversation, enough of them to have gained the information acquired from them.

The Pad of Little Puppy Dog Feet-Tale of Fleece

Giovanni of Amber-Article of Submission                  Giovanni of Amber-The Jack of Amber

Thin Whip                  Borlak-Mine is Rage

Dalt at the Gates of Dawn                        Galvar's Run

Tombs-Bleys & Caine               Delwin

Benedict's Article of Submission             Benedict and Random

Many Lives       Mark of Creation-Manadaly

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