
Instruction Set

Here is the Z80 style instruction set I created. There is nothing new or any dual word instructions. The same old PIC mnemonics with new names and register,target format reversed to target,register format. There is not a separate opcode for literal operations. The argument of a command without destination is treated as literal. For example:
ld 12h ;this loads the literal 12h to A
ld 04h,a ;this loads the content of A to file register 04h
This way one has to remember only one opcode for moving bytes around. This way the total number of opcodes one is supposed to remember is reduced to 27.

freg : file register
A : Accumulator (working register W)

Instruction Operation Microchip equivalent
Load Group
LD A,freg Load freg to A MOVF freg,W
LD F,freg Load freg to f (to itself) MOVF freg,F
LD freg,A Load A to frag MOVWF freg
LD literal Load literal to A MOVLW literal
Exchange Group
SWAP A,freg Swap nibbles in freg, and load to A SWAPF freg,W
SWAP F,freg Swap nibbles in freg, and load to f (to itself) SWAPF freg,F
Arithmetic and Logical Group
ADD A,freg Add A to freg, and store the result in A ADDWF freg,W
ADD F,freg Add A to freg, and store the result in freg ADDWF freg,F
ADD literal Add literal to A ADDLW literal
SUB A,freg Subtract A from freg, and store the result in A SUBWF freg,W
SUB F,freg Subtract A from freg, and store the result in freg SUBWF freg,F
SUB literal Subtract literal from A SUBLW literal
OR A,freg Inclusive OR A with freg, and store the result in A IORWF freg,W
OR F,freg Inclusive OR A with freg, and store the result in freg IORWF freg,F
OR literal Inclusive OR A with literal IORLW literal
XOR A,freg Exclusive OR A with freg, and store the result in A XORWF freg,W
XOR F,freg Exclusive OR A with freg, and store the result in freg XORWF freg,F
XOR literal Exclusive OR A with literal XORLW literal
AND A,freg AND A with freg, and store the result in A ANDWF freg,W
AND F,freg AND A with freg, and store the result in freg ANDWF freg,F
AND literal AND A with literal ANDLW literal
NEG A,freg Complement freg and store the result in A COMF freg,W
NEG F,freg Complement freg and store the result in freg COMF freg,F
DEC A,freg Decrease freg and store the result in A DECF freg,W
DEC F,freg Decrease freg and store the result in freg DECF freg,F
INC A,freg Increase freg and store the result in A INCF freg,W
INC F,freg Increase freg and store the result in freg INCF freg,F
Call Return, and Flow Control Group
CALL Address Call subroutine at address CALL Address
RET Return from subroutine RETURN
RETI Return from interrupt RETFIE
RETLW Return with literal in A RETLW
DECSZ A,freg Decrement freg, Skip if 0 ,and store the result in A DECFSZ A,freg
DECSZ F,freg Decrement freg, Skip if 0 ,and store the result in freg DECFSZ F,freg
INCSZ A,freg Increment freg, Skip if 0 ,and store the result in A INCFSZ freg,W
INCSZ F,freg Increment freg, Skip if 0 ,and store the result in freg INCFSZ freg,F
BITSC freg,bit Bit Test freg, Skip if Clear BTFSC freg,bit
BITSS freg,bit Bit Test freg, Skip if Set BTFSS freg,bit
JP Address Jump to Address GOTO Address
Bit Manipulation Group
RES freg,bit Clear bit of freg BCF freg,bit
SET freg,bit Set bit of freg BSF freg,bit
Rotate and Shift Group
RR A,freg Rotate Right freg through Carry,and store the result in A RRF freg,W
RR F,freg Rotate Right freg through Carry,and store the result in freg RRF freg,F
RL A,freg Rotate Left freg through Carry,and store the result in A RLF freg,W
RL F,freg Rotate Left freg through Carry,and store the result in freg RLF freg,F
General Purpose Arithmetic and CPU Control Group
CLR freg Clear freg CLRF freg
CLRWDT Clear Watchdog Timer CLRWDT
SLEEP Go into standby mode SLEEP
NOP No operation NOP

There are some instructions that are not available in the table above. For example, when a register is moved into itself after some operation the instruction can be written like this:
ADD self,15h
LD self,05h

RR self,1Bh
Also it is possible to write JMP instead of JP, or DSZ instead of DECSZ and so on... These are defined in the table for TASM but not in my Frogbit program. Thats why I did no include them here.
Using TASM or Frogbit you can create a totally diffrerent instruction set if you wish.


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