<BGSOUND SRC="http://www.geocities.com/dillinger72234/funfrien.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
The Dillinger story was one of the greatest coverups in the FBI's history.  The Bureau and the East Chicago Indiana police department  wanted John Dillinger dead at all costs.  They weren't concerned about innocent bystanders getting injured at long as they got Dillinger.  The FBI had denied reports that a "Shoot to kill on sight" order was given to kill the public enemy number one as soon as he was cornered and trapped.  Over the years there's been a lot of myths surrounding Dillinger's death. Some believe Dillinger got what he deserved; a bullet in the back of the head, assassination style. These  people usually don't know the whole story and believe the false myths created to make Dillinger look like a cold-blooded killer. Those who do their research know that there is no evidence that Dillinger ever killed anyone. There is evidence that Dillinger was against killing.  He was a bank robber, but not a killer.  The Biograph event was nothing more than a death trap and Dillinger was led into the trap by his trusted friend, Anna Sage - The lady in red. But there is much more to the story!
[email protected]
Right: The 1921 Colt Thompson machinegun Dillinger stole from the Lake County Crown Point jail. Dillinger held onto the weapon from March 3, until his death on July 22, 1934. He is seen below holding the machinegun along with the wooden gun used to escape from Crown Point. After his death, the lady in red tossed the weapon along with a bullet proof vest, and some ammo into Lake Michigan to clear herself from any connection with Dillinger, who had been staying with her. Below right: is Dillinger's death, which hung in Hoover's lobby of office in Washington for years as a reminder of his victory over Public Enemy Number One, John Dillinger.
Song: Funeral for a friend
Authors Collection
Authors Collection
Authors Collection
The Dillinger family plot at the Crown Hill Cemetery in Indianapolis, Indiana
Dillinger's death mask, and .45 caliber casings fired from the  machinegun he proudly diplays on the left.
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