For Your Inner Child
This certificate gives you the right to:
walk in the rain

jump in mud puddles


chase rainbows

smell the roses

build sand castles

sing in the shower

skip rope

indulge in Flights of Fancy

march to your own drummer

hug someone for no reason

laugh out loud while you are
      alone in a crowd

cry when you hurt

fall down

get up again

read the Secret Garden again

wade in the creek

dance barefoot across dew
         soaked grass

lie flat on your back in the
      middle of a field and watch
      the changing patterns of the

then do it again at night and
        watch the stars

make mistakes

be wrong

say you are sorry

get up before dawn and watch
           the sun rise

eat a cream puff and feel no

love, even when you are not
             loved in return


have a picnic for one by a lake ,
       river or seashore

catch lightening bugs

never give up hope

find your bliss and just indulge

just for today soak up some

do something you have never
         done before

change your mind

be happy

tell someone how you really
     feel  about them

be brave

have faith in yourself

have faith in the power of love

sleep late

take a nap

learn something new

draw something

be yourself 

copy this list, add to it and
         pretend it is yours.

Buy me a Rose
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