The first Mission takes place in November 1942 in Algeria. The division was assigned to capture the port of Oran, garrisoned by the Vichy French. The division loaded up onto its transport in England and set sail for the Strait of Gibraltar on 26 October. On 8 November, the division came ashore, with the 16th Regiment on the division's eastern flank, assigned to capture the village of La Macta. On 10 November the Oran garrison surrendered. In places, such as La Macta, the Vichy put up a stiff fight.

To simulate this action, I selected Mission 1, Cautious Advance. The log files for the entire game, from pregame CG setup all the way through refit, are at

Mission 1 AAR

Pregame rolls go well for the ENEMY. Map 20 is activated, and about 90 S? are placed. With an AC#4, it is going to be a stiff fight. Bldg 20H3 is the only VPO location rolled up, on the north edge of the map.

With 2d line Americans, a mad dash across the board is out. To win, I need some VPO luck. I figure with the 3 points for activating a 2d map, plus VPO points for 20H3, I'll win unless the 2d map activates 3 VPO locations, as long as I lose no more than 2 CVP. Therefore, I plan a very deliberate assault, coming in along the Northern edge of the map, using the rowhouses opposite 20H3 as a firebase before launching the final assault.

The action goes pretty much as planned. In the end, I suffer no CVP losses, and my luck holds out as I capture 20H3 and secure the building. The only enemy RE is an immense help to me, as Overcast conditions quickly become rain and then heavy rain. With the additional +1 mist LV hindrance, and the high TEM of the stone buildings, I am able to seriously limit activation checks until pulling adjacent.

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