(These are all free, public, non-pronographic sites)
(Click on blue diamond or "logo"to activate link)
For all who love the sight and /or feel of those luxurious petticoats.
CREAM CITY SQUARES:  The local glbt square dance club that I dance with. 
ABOVE AND BEYOND,  A&B Gender resources.  This is a MUST vist.
ABBYSSINIAN HOME PAGE, The greatest cats in the world (DiDi's "Kids" are Abbys)
Escellent local site for SE Wisconsin & N. Illinois.
DREALM OF THE FAIRIES, Adopt your own fairies here.
KAT'S TAIL, another "resource" site, and another "must visit"
DOC'S PLACE BBS, Visit "Fidonet" the message network where the world of Cyberspace was born
LISA'S LUV SHACK, another great support site, especially for "Significant Others, Family, Friends and Ally's of our sisters.
STAR RANGER'S TG GALAXY.  One admirers guide to some of, in his opinion, the prettiest girls on the web (Of course, I may be a little predjudiced :-)
I don't list personal links without permission, so if you would like me to list your site here please drop me a line with your URL.
DIANNE'S CROSS DRESSING FRIVOLITY:  A BEAUTIFUL lady who knows how to enjoy herself
VANNA'S HIDEAWAY, a very glamorous lady I'm proud to know.
ANNETTE'S page .  Retirement should be this good.
BARBARA'S WORLD,  A great British girl who's outlook on life should be a model for us all.
HELENA'S PAGE, A wonderful girl from the land of Dior and Champagne.
CELIA'S CITE,  one of the most GEORGEOUS collections of gowns I've ever seen.
DARYA'S HOME FOR WAYWARD DIVAS, an outrageously fun gal with a heart as big as all outdoors.
CHRISTINE LEIGH HARRIS has put together a personal site that you MUST visit, a Beautiful girl with resources, tips, links and a wealth of love.
TV HEAVEN , the "other" Celia, the "Frillie flowy gown girl"  A beautiful collection of the most georgeous gowns
LACEY'S FOLLIES,  Lacey is the gal who keeps us all in line on "alt.fashion.crossdressing" and "alt.support.crossdressin", one of the greatest gals I know.
DELICIOUS DIVA, French Canada's most  outrageously fun export.
BEE'S album, photos of a good friend and terrific gal from the Sunny Mediteranian. This lady DEFINES the meaning of "petticoats"  NEW! REDONE OCT. '99
ERICA'S PALACE, Anoth nice picture spot of a VERY nice girl.
CHRISSY LeCREME.  This GREAT gal redefines the meaning of Cyndi Lauper's "Girls just wanna have fun."
Didi's "membership" certificates and awards.
(Click on graphic to link to site)
(I'm on page 118)
October, 1999
Maid Lisbeth's Register of Maids
Registered Maid No. 880
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