Messages of Hope, Peace & Love

Click to see the children's art

   September 11, 2001, was a day that changed every American life forever. Every heart ached that day and in the days that followed; every eye shed tears for the lives that were lost; and there is burned upon every mind images of that day that will not disappear.

   Adults were not the only people affected by that tragedy, and an art teacher from Washington State had an idea. She gathered her students together, and asked them to create paintings to comfort the children of September 11. Over a three week period, more than seventy-five art students had depicted their vision of comfort and hope. Wherever the paintings were shown, people were deeply moved by them, and out of these children's project of love sprung a collection of their work, Messages of Hope, Peace & Love: A Gift for the Children Affected by September 11.

Click to see the children's art   This book is being distributed to the children directly affected by the events of September 11. In fact, this past April a group of the contributing artists (and their parents) traveled to New York City to do just that. It is also being made available to the public; if you are interested in buying a copy, please see our purchasing information. The foreword of Messages is now online, as well as a message area to share your thoughts.

   We hope that this book touches your heart, and brings you comfort.

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