gods? goddesses?

As you skim the page, you can see evidence in how that when languages altered, the name of who was worshipped was altered slightly. Yet, the practices remain almost identical in the various cultures who worship the same being. Keep an open mind as you read. This is a work almost completely compiled by Ken Johnson. -Jeremy Brown

"Originally called Oswiris, he was the son of Anom, and the last king of Egypt before their rulers began being called Pharaoh. During his time a man named Rikayon came to Egypt from Babylon and through subtlety took over Egypt becoming the first pharaoh. Pharaoh means lord of the dead, or one who taxes the dead." -Ken Johnson

And he resolved to go to Egypt, to Oswiris the son of Anom king of Egypt, to show the king his wisdom; for perhaps he might find grace in his sight, to raise him up and give him maintenance; and Rikayon did so. Jasher 14:2

See Jasher 14 at: http://www.ccel.org/a/anonymous/jasher/14.htm
Several sources state that Ham's son Mizraim is Jupiter, Zeus, and Osiris.

RA, the sun god
Nimrod, also called, Ra, Amraphel, Apollo, Adonis, Ninus, Baal, Hadad, Gilgamesh, and Hammurabi, "was born 252 years after the flood of Noah. He was the son of Cush, son of Ham, son of Noah. Nimrod was called the mighty hunter before the LORD. Nimrod wanted to have revenge on God for destroying his forefathers. He turned the government into a tyranny and set up 12 gods of wood after the 12 months of the year (or after the Zodiac), commanding everyone to worship one monthly. Nimrod built the Tower of Babel. When Abraham was 45, which was 337 years after the flood, God confounded the languages and scattered the people, and they left off building the city. When Nimrod was 215, which was 467 years after the flood; he was beheaded by Esau and he was buried in his city." -Ken Johnson
Some sources state that Shem killed Nimrod.

Amon Ra
"The Egyptian Book of the Dead, dating from at least 250 BC, shows that in the earliest times the Egyptians worshiped only one god, Ra. All the others were kings that were added at a later time. We can even see Osiris' father, called Anom in the book of Jasher, being added to Ra, making it Amon-Ra. The following is a partial description about Ra." -Ken Johnson
Ammon also seems to be a derivitive of the name Ham. So, Amon-Ra could be indicating that Ra is a descendant of Amon.
"president of all the gods ... Lord of the heavens ... Lord of Truth ... maker of men; creator of beasts ... Ra, whose word is truth, the Governor of the world, the mighty one of valour, the chief who made the world as he made himself. ... Maker of the Gods, who hast stretched out the heavens and founded the earth! ... Lord of eternity, maker of the everlastingness ... creator of light ... " - taken from the Egyptian book of the dead - Hymn To Amen-Ra

"Jupiter seduces a woman named Io, and when she finds out she is pregnant she flees to Egypt to save her child. She later became known as Isis, with her child. The rites of Isis seeking her lost child is very similar to the rites of Ceres, Jupiter's sister, in Sicily. The priests of Isis shave, making themselves smooth, and bewail the loss of her child. Afterward the boy is brought forth as found, then there is a great rejoicing. The Eleusinian rites of Ceres are like that of the lost Osiris except that it is Proserpnie who is abducted by Jupiter so he could commit incest with her. Ceres sought for Proserpnie in Sicily by torches lighted from the top of Etna, which is why the rites in Sicily involve throwing torches into the sea. Some of the rites of Isis with Serapis come from the rites of Venus and Attis. There are other forms that contain variants bases of the rites of Ceres. Venus was originally a princess that was born and died on the island of Cyprus. She was a very lewd woman and taught the women of Cyprus to practice prostitution for gain. The rites of Venus also involved a procession of a phallus symbol." -Ken Johnson

Other sources state that Nimrod's mother Semiramis, who he later married, is Isis of Egypt, Queen of Heaven, Easter, Estre, Astarte, Ashatroth, Asherah, Ishtar, Venus, and Aphrodite. However, the Io/Isis person could have been wholly tied to the Queen of Heaven worship by its patrons desiring to mesh the two.

"Originally the name the Egyptians gave to the Hebrew Joseph who interpreted dreams for pharaoh. The libraries, later becoming temples, housed other prophecies and teachings about the one true god of the Hebrews. As time went on Sarapis became synonymous with the god Oiris. When worshiped under the figure of a bull he is called Apis." - Ken Johnson

"When the children of Javan, son of Japheth, son of Noah, began settling the areas of Italy, Greece, and the islands of the Mediterranean Sea, they had not yet ever had a king rule over them. One man called Uranus/Coelus rose up in power and established the first, small kingdom, not much else is known of him. Uranus died in Oceania and was buried in the town of Aulatia. Uranus like Acmon, his father before him, claimed the title of prince." - Ken Johnson

"Among his sons were Titan and Saturn/Kronos. Saturn's older brother Titan wanted to be given the kingdom but his mother and two sisters (Ceres) supported Saturn to be the next ruler. So he made a agreement with Saturn. He would allow Saturn to take the throne under the condition that he have no male heirs and that at his death the sons of Titan would be heir to the throne. An Oracle prophesied that he would have a son that would over through his kingdom. So Saturn sacrificed all of his sons to "the gods" and the angry ghost of his father. He is also said to have castrated his father to prevent further rivals for the throne. Saturn Married one of his sisters Rhea, who Uranus has secretly sent to do away with Saturn. Saturn seized several of Uranus' providences and in the end captured and confined Uranus. It is said that he died in grief. Belus who was worshiped by Babylonians and Assyrians, was ruling at the same time in history as Saturn. This was about 322 years before the great Trojan War. Under Saturn's rule his kingdom reached from Syria and Phoenicia all the way to Spain and Mauritania in Africa." -Ken Johnson

Jupiter - Zeus
"When Saturn's wife became pregnant again she made and excuse to travel to Arcadia. Saturn's son Jupiter/Zeus/Zen was born there and he was sent to in Mt. Ida on the Island of Crete to be hidden from Saturn. Melisseus king of the Cretans took Jupiter to raise as his own. Melisseus was the first who sacrificed to the gods. He appointed his daughter Melissa the first priestess of the great mother. Later when Titan learned that Saturn had sons, thus breaking the agreement between them, he and his sons, known as the titans, took Saturn prisoner, sealing him and his wife Ops/Vesta in a wall. Jupiter then assembled a small army from Crete and took the kingdom back are restored his father to the throne. Saturn, however; now knowing he has a son, and because of the prophecy from the oracle that a son would destroy him, set up an ambush to kill Jupiter. Assuming that those whom he had entrusted the government of Crete to would still be loyal to him, he lead a small band of warriors into Crete, but Jupiter was ready for him having turned the government to his side. Saturn fled to that part of Greece called Peloponesus. Jupiter perused his father there, so Saturn fled further to Italy. When the Titans of some other provinces learned that Jupiter had dethroned Saturn, and was determined to take over the empire, they formed a confederacy against him. Jupiter himself went as far a Spain to end the war. The last great battle was fought near the coastal city of Tartesa, a little North of Cadiz. Saturn later died and was buried on the island of Sicily. His tomb was still shown in the first century AD. The War between Jupiter and Saturn lasted about 10 years, which occurred "some years before before the death of Abraham." After driving out Saturn he violated his sisters, and married one. He was well known for his many adulteries and his practice of violating young boys. Jupiter then divided the kingdom by lot between himself and his other two brothers Neptune/Poseidon, and Pluto that had also escaped Saturn's sacrifices. The empire of the east fell to Jupiter. A portion of the west fell to Pluto, who's surname was Agesilaus. The maritime coast together with the islands fell to Neptune. Ennius' history records many of the triumphs of king Jupiter. Jupiter set up temples in many countries to form alliances with those countries. Jupiter himself created a golden column in the Triphylian temple chronicling all his triumphs. The tomb of Jupiter is in Crete, in the city of Knossos. Knossos was supposed to have been founded by Vesta, his mother. The inscription over the tomb of Jupiter says in Greek "Zan Kronou" which means "Zeus son of Kronos."" - Ken Johnson
Several sources state that Ham's son Mizraim is Jupiter, Zeus, and Osiris.

"Hercules was one of the sons of Jupiter/Zeus. He is known for his temper. When arriving on Rhodes he asks a plowman for one of his oxen to kill and eat. The plowman refused. So Hercules killed both of the oxen, and cursed the plowman. This is how cursing became a prominent component in the rites of Hercules on the isle of Rhodes. When Hercules found out that the rites of Saturn as practiced on the island of Sicily involved human sacrifice he went there to put a stop to it. Hercules is buried in Spain."
-Ken Johnson

Prometheus / Atlas - Noah, Noas, Naus, Nous, Deucalion, Theuth, Zuth, Xuthus, Inachus, Noachus, Inacus, Annacus, Nannacus, Ouranos

Gaia - Noah's wife, Naamah

Iapetus - Japheth

Pluto - Dis, Agesander, Agesilaus

Helius - Ham son of Noah, Moon, Min, Ammon, Amon, Kronus

Bacchus - Chus grandson of Noah

Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva
These three beings form Hinduism's Triad. Brahma is regarded as the Creator, Vishnu as the Protector, and Shiva as the Destroyer. Brahma is believed to be the highest of the three. It is believed that some of the angels who followed Lucifer in the rebellion against God had later decided they made the wrong decision and in turn attempted to teach people of the One True God as He exists as the Trinity. These rebellious angels against Satan were found out and their efforts thwarted. In turn, Lucifer's loyal angels continued to teach the people taught by the rebellious angels but added very colorful additions to what had been taught. The Hindu religion includes millions of different gods and goddesses, teaches reincarnation, a belief in kharma, and promotes a destiny and fate view found in several other pagan religions. Interestingly, Hinduism considers itself to be monotheistic. - Jeremy Brown

Note: Every god or goddess (little g) can be traced to an actual human in the past. However, Satan and his demons capitalized on this human worship. Satan and his demons began gaining worship themselves by uniting themselves, so to speak, to the false deities. In layman's terms, a demon is behind every idol, god, goddess, or deity other than the One True God, Jesus, or The Holy Spirit. Be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.

Also see other possibly accurate sources at:
Greek and Roman plays vs. History
Greek Mythology and The Bible
Old Testament Roots of Norse Mythology
Old Testament Roots of Greek Mythology
Old Testament Roots of Celtic Mythology
Ancient Hebrew Sea Migrations

Works Cited:
Ken John at BibleFacts.org
Jack Chick at Chick.com
The Book of Jasher
Lactantius 1.18,21
Arnobius Against the Heathen
The Works of Flavius Josephus
Recognitions of Clement 4.26-29
Hesiod's Theognis
Apollodorus' Bibliotheca
Pezron's Antiquities of Nations

- Jeremy Brown 2004

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