Lost Books?
False Religious Scriptures!

Let it be known that Jeremy Brown and Loxley Ministries only embrace the 66 book Holy Bible as being God inspired.
We consider all other writings to be man's works and not God breathed.

In the days around the time the Lord was on earth, many Gnostics embraced books that were not of God in an attempt to support their beliefs.
Gnostics were similar to the present day's New Age Movement.
Two Gnostical movements of the day were the Essene and Qumran communities.

The two movements weren't totally Gnostical but their Hellenistic (Greek and Babylonian) influences cannot go unnoticed.

False Book Name   -   Origin of Book       

Apocrypha    -              Gnostic

    LXX              -   Hellenistic / Egypt
                           (Greek Septuagint)        altered by Origen                                  

Koran           -       Mohammad

           Latin Vulgate    -      Catholic priest Jerome

                   Writings of Augustine   -    Catholic Bishop Augustine of Hippo

     Lotus Sutra        -      Buddhist Scriptures

                            Upanishads        -    Hindu Scriptures / Aryan Scriptures
Bhagavat Gita                                         

Gnostic Scriptures         -           Gnostic                 

Book of the Dead          -         Egyptian                 

         Avesta             -          Zoroastrianism  

Jainism Scriptures        -              Jainism              

Rosicrucian Texts     -      Rosicrucian            

                  Koresh Writings     -  Branch Davidians / David Koresh

Lost Books mentioned at CARM.ORG!

The 14 Books of the Apochrypha

1st and 2nd Esdras -- the Greek name for Ezra, these books were lumped into the section of the Bible dealing with the rebuilding of the temple in the time of Zerubbabel. 2nd Esdras is believed to be of Latin origin in the first few centuries A.D. with many of the hard issues of the book of Job thrown in.

Tobit -- religious fiction about a pious Jew and his son Tobias travelling from Nineveh. It is immersed in Persian mysticism. It contains the appearance of an archangel named Raphael who appears to deliver a moral lesson.

Judith -- another novella about a beautiful Jewess who saves her city in Nebuchadnezzar's time. It is NOT historically accurate in its depiction of the Assyrian Empire and is probably a Pharisaic concoction.

Esther supplements -- these attempt to bolster the canonical Book of Esther theologically.

Wisdom of Solomon -- a poem similar in style to the canonical Ecclesiastes but written in the mid-first century B.C. Though an eloquent piece of Jewish wisdom literature and a forceful polemic against idolatry, it is not Solomon's and not God's.

Ecclesiaticus -- the longest book of deutero-canon, it bears a strong literary resemblance to Proverbs. Written in Jerusalem around 180 B.C., it was translated into Greek in Alexandria 50 years later. Besides including an adulatory review of great Jews of history, it includes such topics as proper dining etiquette and occupational correctness.

Baruch -- introduced as a work of Jeremiah's famous scribe who purportedly accompanied a sum of money donated to support the rebuilding of the Temple in 582 B.C. Not historically accurate by a long shot. Probably composed in the 1st century as a scathing polemic against the practices of idolatry.

Susanna -- a hypothetical story set in Daniel's time about a virtuous woman falsely accused of adultery by a couple of sexually abusive Jewish elders.

Song of the Three Children -- written in the early to mid-2nd century B.C. as an addendum to Daniel 3, furthering the story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego in the fiery furnace.

Bel and the Dragon -- yet another Book of Daniel supplement denouncing dragon worship prevalent in the early first century B.C. Contains a fictional version of Daniel in the lion's den in the time of Cyrus. Habakkuk the minor prophet makes a cameo appearance.

Manasses -- probably another Pharisaic product but a good example of a pious prayer of penance. No alliterative pun intended.

1st and 2nd Maccabees -- 2nd century B.C. history of the Jewish conflict between the Seleucids of Syria and the Ptolemies of Egypt. Valuable historical information, especially about the mad Antiochus Epiphanes called "epimanes" (nutcase), a forerunner of Antichrist. Part two, in contrast, is a hyper-patriotic piece supposedly written by Jason of Cyrene.

Final note

Though you will probably find these extraneous writings in some ornate, fleshed-out copies of antique bibles, they are NOT considered authoritative by most reputable biblical scholars. Their inclusion into God's divinely-inspired record has been known to have fostered certain heretical practices which will be dealt with on a future page
Above from: http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Parthenon/6326/apoc.html

The following link exposes the Hellenistic Judeo-Christian texts in detail.
However, know that we love the King James more than any other text but we use some modern canon translations alongside the KJV but always look to the KJV as a base.
Here is the link:

Jeremy Brown 2003-2005

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