and other tobacco usage

Though smoking and tobacco use is quite unhealthy, nowhere in scripture is it condemned. The closest thing to it are the scriptures that speak of our bodies being the temple of The Holy Spirit, present our bodies as living sacrifices, etc.

Again, smoking isn't addressed in scripture. But, the Bible speaks alot about gossip, criticizing, and judgemental attitudes. It bothers me to listen to someone condemn or promote things not addressed in scripture. I've watched overweight people condemn smoking from the pulpit. It kinda makes ya want to hop up and thump them. I ain't coming against them for being overweight but it seems like they could remove their overweight plank before addressing the sawdust smoking in our sibling's eye. *cough*

A smoker and user of tobacco products are okay!

The danger comes when if God deals with you to quit and you disobey. But, no worries, He is longsuffering and will help you work through it.

Note: I do not support smoking or any use of tobbaco products. It's unhealthy. However, I highly dislike being around it because I have an allergic reaction to tobbaco smoke and to tobacco in general. Not to sound like a cliche but, "Smoking may not send you to Hell but it sure makes you smell like you've been there."

Jeremy Brown 2005

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