We Do Anyway

Why do we do what we do when we know better?

One of the jobs of a leader is to occasionally offer growth opportunities. Now we know that a whole list of issues shouldn't be pointed out to a person concerning their shortcomings. It would be far too overwhelming. Things have to be presented in increments to insure digestibility. The last few years, I've tried to implement the idea that truth spoken in the wrong season can bring harm.

Ecclesiastes 3 tells us that there is a proper time for everything and the New Testament explains how that we can allow the Holy Spirit to lead and direct our actions and opinions. But, how many of us do this?

Proverbs 14:12 and 16:25 both say that there is a way that seems right to people but that way leads to death.

People go by what they've been taught. People go by popular opinion. People make up their own minds concerning truth. People go by systems of measurement that redefine even the definition of truth. But, I'll nice it up, opinions are alot like trashcans. Everybody's got 'em and they all stink.

There is a common thread among the folks mentioned in both the Old and New Testaments. Scripture alone is the final earthly authority on all matters of doctrine and life that it addresses. The Donatists, Waldenses, Anabaptists, and even Martin Luther all saw this and tried to return Christianity to this basic idea.

Scripture is not opinion. Scripture is truth. Truth is not relative unless you use a logical system of measurement that defines itself as a logical system of measurement. Truth is uncompromising. Truth is solid. Truth is unwavering. Truth is God's word.

James wrote in chapter 4 verse 17 that if somebody knows to do right and doesn't do it is sinning. Why do we say that we believe the Bible but then do and say things that are contrary to it?

I once strongly supported the death penalty and permissiveness concerning some cases of abortion. After fully investigating the scripture and the writings of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd century Christians, I now see my error. Christ took the death penalty upon Himself giving people opportunity to receive Him during this time of God's Grace.

We say that we know that lust, sex outside of marriage, and other things are wrong but we continue down the path anyway.

I'll step off the soapbox and allow it to sink in. But before I do, let me leave you with this thought...

"If Christianity was outlawed tomorrow, would there be enough evidence in your life to convict you?"

Jeremy Brown 2008

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