
PseudoChristian movement based upon Caesaropapism, fate, Catholicism, and the teachings of Calvin, Zwingli, Augustine, Jerome, and Origen the heretic.

Believe that no good events or choices happen without God's direct intervention, God preselected who will be saved and lost, Christ only died for those God preselected to save, God forces people to be saved, and those that God preselected for Heaven can never be lost.

Those prescribing to the above were or have been traditionally Amillenial, Reconstructionist, and practiced infant baptism.

Calvin's TULIP Exposed
Calvinism Compared with Islam
Reconstructionism / Dominion Theology / Theonomy
Council of Orange

Wikipedia on Calvinism
Calvinism and Tulip

What Love is This? Chapter 4 - Dave Hunt

Augustine and Calvin: Bedfellows Indeed
TULIP: The Deadly Flower - Dr. Gregory O.Baker
Calvinistic Pedestination Refuted
A Huge Refutation of Calvinism Website
Calvinism: Contrary to God's Holy Word and Man's Moral Nature
Castellio Against Calvin - 1554AD
Calvinism: A Blasphemous Heresy
Lots of Books Against Calvinism
Calvin and Calvinism
Augustinism... aka Calvinism
Refuting the TULIP With the Fear of the Lord
Refuting Calvinism's TULIP - radio recording
Audio Sermon Against Calvinism
Gnosticism in Calvinism
Replacement Theology
The True Meaning of Many Are Called But Few Are Chosen
Predestined for FreeWill

Jeremy Brown 2004-2006

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