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10 SEO Strategies to Stay Ahead of Your Competitors in 2020 & beyond


We are into 2020 and already in a situation – Global Pandemic COVID-19 – that is going to affect many businesses and services in the long run. This is not the time to sit relax and put your guards down and wait for the things to come in order again. It is time to outrank your competition by implementing the strategies that are going to be followed in the future. When it comes to keeping your online business and website stay ahead of your competitors, you always need to optimize and update your SEO strategies to rank it higher in search engine result pages (SERP).

The SEO strategies that could have worked and ranked you on top in past years- as recently as in 2018 or 2019 - might not win the game for you anymore. Also the chances, they may even hurt your website’s authorities and rankings. It is time to update your content marketing and SEO strategies to boost your organic traffic with recent SEO trends. Now, you need to focus more on quality content, distribution strategies, and website optimization for getting more reorganization by top search engines. In this post, we will talk about 10 effective SEO growth hacks that you can include in your future strategies.

Utilize Accelerate Mobile Pages (AMP): Most ignored SEO growth hack but one of the most dominants in current trends is Accelerate Mobile Pages (AMP). This is the strategy to make your web pages more optimized for mobile web browsing similar to Facebook Instant Articles and Apple News. It is intended to help your web pages load faster on the search result pages and pre-render in Google search with a better user experience. This is the time to implement AMP on your website.

Take Advantage of free SEO tools: SEO tools are very helpful in analyzing competition and planning your SEO strategies in accordance with them. If you are new to all these SEO and stuff, then take advantage of free SEO tools available to stay in the competition. Some of the most popular and trusted free SEO tools are:


Use long-tailed keywords in your blog posts: Keyword research and planning are never going to be outdated in making SEO strategies. Long-tailed keywords are more specific about your business and target audience. Consider ranking keywords with three or four terms related to your business or content. You can also target the question-based long-tailed keyword to target potential consumers.

SSL certification for your website: This is the easiest but essential SEO growth hack that you should implement immediately. Google has already made it very clear that it will prefer indexing and ranking SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certified websites with HTTPS than those that do not yet have SSL certifications. Users also prefer visiting websites with the URL that has HTTPS instead of HTTP as it guarantees the security of their data.

Get ready for Voice Search revolution: With the growing popularity of virtual assistants like Google Assistant, Siri, Alexa, and Cortana, voice search is going to dominate the future of the search engine industry. Already by 2020, 50% of all searches worldwide are coming from these methods. Now is the time to optimize your content for the voice search revolution.

Take advantage of Rich Snippets: Want to look unique and informative in the search engine result page – consider optimizing for rich snippets feature. It helps you improve your click-through-rate by quickly showing ratings, reviews, images, and product information on search pages. This will help you attract more potential consumers for a better conversion rate.

Focus on evergreen content: Content is everything in your SEO strategies. If you are looking to get continuous organic traffic from search results for your targeted keywords, you should focus more on evergreen contents like how-to guides, case studies, product reviews, top 10 listings, and tutorials than the news and trending content.

Optimize your Google My Business listing: This is the most important factor in making local SEO strategies to target a potential audience by claiming your listings with Google My Business Page.

Optimize for Mobile responsiveness: Nothing new here but very important. With the growing use of mobile devices than the traditional methods of accessing web pages, your website needs to be optimized for all mobile devices and screen sizes. You need to keep checking on it and make the necessary changes if required to make your website responsive for all the devices.

Clean 404 Web pages: 404-page errors should be fixed as soon as possible as they affect your website’s authority as well as ranking. It also makes sure that your audience is not going to those 404 pages and redirected to the other external links pointing to them. You can easily find and clean your 404 web pages using Google Search Console.

These are the most common SEO growth hacks that will keep you ahead of your competitors and drive more organic traffic to your website. For this purpose, you can take the help of professional SEO services by opting for affordable SEO Packages in India as per your business requirements.