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Money: I am proud of myself
So try me and see
Money is used as a medium of exchange
But money has giot its own meaning in five alphabets
'M' stands for Many will suffer because of me
'O' = Others will die because of me
'N' = Nothing is done without me
'E' = Everything is done by me
'Y' = Yes, I am the eveil of the world
Yes, friends have rocky hearts!
Friends have rocky hearts
They will say to you
"Oh my dear friend, I love you like a morning star",
But in their heart they don't.
Yes, friends have rocky hearts
They will say to you
"Oh you are my best friend and I lost my appetite when I didn't see you
and when you die I will die",
But in their heart you are their enemy.
Yes, friends have rockty hearts
They say, "The relation between you and I will never die"
But in their heart they hate you
For hearts are harder than rocky land
Yes, friends have rocky hearts                                             By Ahiadeke Moses
Beware young ladies! Beware of boys who always lie to you. They will say, "My father has many cars and big houses, so if you follow me your familiy will be rich." Never follow them. If you follow them you will be in big trouble.
They will say, "I am rich so follow me." Yes they have sweet tongue for lying people. They will say, "I always wear nice dresses, so if you follow me you will wear nice dresses as I wear."
Yes they have sweet tongue for lying people!
Know that they do not have anything at all, they have sweet tongues for lying people so do not follow them. If you follow them, they will destroy your life!
Bewaryoung ladies!
                                                                                 By Zida Wellington
What is respect? Respect is important in the following ways. A person who repects authorities gives good name to him or herself. To repsect is show good behaviour towards friends, elders, teachers, parents and everybody. Respect is looking closely at the orders and the laws of the state, the society, the paretns and obeying the laws and the orders. Respect makes one to gain success in what ever he/she aims at. Respect is important in all ways of life. It will make you free in your movements. In the school activities respect will make you happy and free. To respect is to obey orders. In a school a pupil is to respect rules of the school by looking closely at them and doing well. You will be punished if yo do not respect the rules of the school.

I always wish to respect my teachers, my parents and elderly people of the town. I will do away with bad things that will make me not to respect. I therefore promise to respect the rules and orders of the school.

By Boancrah Miriam
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