html> Description of the PECCANS site

Is This Site Some Sort of Joke?

Some may see this site and ask the following: Is this site some sort of joke? What is a "cultural catholic"? How can you be both agnostic and catholic? What is the point of this site? What the heck does "PECCANS" mean any way? I will attempt to pre-emptively answer these questions here since I anticipate that at least one person will ask them.

First of all, the style of the site and the acronym heading every page is meant to be a very crude rip off of Shibli Zaman's NESSIA site. This is not meant to be a parody of his site, however. I admired his site so much that I wanted something similar. It is a crude tribute to his good idea. This happens to be why Shibli's site is the first one listed in the "LINKS & RESOURCES" section on the main page. I liked the idea of a site that could cover a wide span of subjects from religion to semitic studies, et cetera.

As for peccans, it is Latin for "sinner," and it sort of explains the rest of this paragraph in a minor way. Admittedly, "Cultural Catholic" is somewhat of a contradiction. However, I have met cultural Hindus and cultural Jews. They are people who are respectful of the mythology of their ancestors though not believing in it. One might object that there is a difference between Hindus and Jews on the one hand and Catholics on the other. I would agree. One can remain Hindu or Jewish even if one is an Atheist. However, I have also met "cultural Muslims". They openly admit their disbelief in Islam, but still seek to defend certain tenets of the faith or Islamic culture in general from attacks from non-Muslims. I admit the term is a contradiction, but it still stands that it is the best term to explain my tendency to simultaneously disbelieve in Catholicism while defending certain tenets of the faith.

So, in a nutshell, what is the point of this site? It is to serve as a source of my thoughts on various subjects. Many of these thoughts are ones that have no place on my other site, The Freethought Mecca, which is primarily meant for criticizing and satirizing the three major Abrahamic faiths. If I wish to submit my thoughts on a possible defense of a doctrine within the three main Abrahamic faiths, some nuance of the Hebrew language, logic, or some other subject, this is the place I will post them.
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