An Orpheus Chronicle site
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Act One: Learning the Hard Way
Vincent Fiorello has a secret. And a friend in high places. Though the help of the Mayor, Vincent found a second chance in life as an employee under Orpheus. Once imprisoned for the brutal murder of his ex-wife, it seems very strong and far-reaching hands have gotten him out of the Marion State Penitentiary and into the controversial company called Orpheus.

But for a killer with deaths in his past, would working for a company that deals with the ghosts truly be the best thing to do? Or is his presence in the company meant for more obfuscated agendas?

Act Two: We Are Not Alone
With the tragic assault upon Orpheus, Vincent loses his body. As a ghost, he wrecks havok on those who have harmed him and uses his new-found freedom to use the Mayor, the FBI, the military and even the man on the street to accomplish his deeds. Though now free to actually just take off and do whatever he desires, the crucible find it oddily satisfying that the ex-convict chooses to remain and try to help them.

But when news that all spirits have a darker duplicate running around, Vincent can only shrudder at the thought of what an even darker version of himself may be like.

Act Three: Ne Me Mori Facias
Not finding comfort being among individuals who can't seem to make up their own minds, Vincent takes an active role in flushing out the cronies that used to belong with Project Flatline, as well as play the FBI and the United States government to his side in gaining information and resources. But ever since he recovered the Reaper Scythe from the rave incident, Vincent has slowly begun to feel more and more a siren call to something more... comfortable compared to being in the Crucible. A place closer to his truer Nature.

Act Four: And the Holy Spirit
Seemingly out of nowhere, Vincent has betrayed the Crucible and struck a killing blow upon Lazarus. Destroying the compound and with it, killing the living bodies of over half the Crucible in one night, Hoyt Masterson dies forcing him to leave the premises and spare Kate Dennison. Though his act of embracing his anger has brought him down to the path of Spectrehood, Vincent strangely still acts with a seeming independence from the reputed hive-mind the Crucible suspect all Spectres' share.

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