Top Ten Reasons to Love/Hate Iori
I'm giving ten reasons why you should like Iori, and Rei was kind enough to think of ten tasteful reasons why he's a little freak. I'm *always* looking for feedback. So although this is the top ten, you can e-mail me with extra ideas on why you love/hate Iori. I'll give you full credit, and lemme know if you want me to post your e-mail or not. I won't if you're adverse to it.
*graciously donated by Rei
1. If he made up his mind, he has made up his mind, and nothing will change it
2. His voice *shudder*
3. He's just plain annoying
4. He always gets upset over the stupidest things.
5. He looks like a lawn gnome
6. He judges people by first glance
7. He doesn't like to give people a second chance
8. He isn't anywhere near bishounen material
9. Even his digimon is annoying!
10. He has been dubbed "symmetrical boy" by many people across the world
*by moi ^^
1.He's a sweet little boy, who's heart has been shattered over the loss of his father.
2. He's not a ditzy boy
3. He's mature and comes up with most of the good ideas for the group even though he's not given any credit
4. He *ultimately* forgave Ken
5. When he smiles his eyes get big and smushy ^o^
6. Demon spores are cool these days
7. He's level headed and not constantly on an emotional trip.
8. He's reluctant in harming people and digimon alike!
9. He's got the best digital world outfit
10. He's goffy Waiiiii!
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