The Older Years
Iori's not bad lookin' when he's an adult. (Although some disagree -_-;) He turns out to be a lawyer. Why a lawyer? I ask you that much. He's a lurvley person, even though you don't get to hear what his voice sounds like. Damn. He has a little lock of hair in this pic which bothers me for some reason. I shall chop it off Muahaha! Coffee is good for Ed!
**Special thankies to A Strong Child. That's where I got my older Iori piccies.^^
His little spawn. Awww. The first and probably only thing we'll ever hear out of her is. Bam bam buuuummmm. "Daddy, if I get tagged it, can I sue?" Isn't she a darling? Yes she gets it from her daddy. Oh yes she does! His daughter is a lot cuter than most of the other kids, which are basically clones or male/female versions of their mothers and fathers. Her face is bunchy in this pic, not the best but, eh. The child is definately her father's daughter. Who's her mother though? *Gasp* An illegitimate child? I doubt it. Who marries Iori? Who's child is she? We will probably never know...
Ah yes. So one question still plagues us... (other than who he marries. o.O) What happened to that big chunk of teenagerdom in Iori's life? Oh what happened then??? Well that's what this page is about. So I know he grows up I know he was a child, but there's a major step in his life that's being left out. Simply put, I believe he was experiamental as a teen, did the goth thing, maybe met his wife at a goth club. Got serious with life, buckled down. Decided to take vengence against all that peeved him and became a lawyer. Had a daughter and he is what we know him to be today. It woulda been cool if he coulda helped out the season 03 kids though. *Sigh*
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