Crappily Drawn Mouse Pictures!!!
As you have been surfing around this site, you may have taken not of the ample supply of crappily drawn mouse pictures lying around. Yes folks, all of them are done by yours truly, because I have no scanner I've gone desperate and used my mouse to come up with the crappiest pictures known to man. Now you may be getting jealous and thinking to yourself..."I wish *I* had a crappily drawn mouse picture!" Hahahahah! Well now you can! But you have to work for it! Now you probably hate me and are sticking your tongue out at me, but for those of you who are interested I shall tell you how to obtain your very own! I'm going to hide 1 hidden message around the entire gothy site and if you find the hidden message and e-mail it to me I'll draw you a crappily drawn mouse picture! It's that simple. Now you're excited! Yay! Now you can choose what you want to have drawn or have some random thing done by me to correlate with your page or to show proudly to your friends. Well happy hunting! Hint: The message is on a page where Augumon is shown/mentioned. Now go! Scamper off and look my child loooooook! Damn you, you aren't looking!
Pics done for my own amusement
It's Iori in a backpack!
Happy Father's Day Iori!
Pics won by fans!
Poor Poor Jyou...-won by Izzy
Unexpected Brothers!-won by Matt
Ken's suffering
Kari *likes* playing dress-up! ^^-won by Cait
Upamon *likes* E-bay
Shiore returns Muahaha!
Ah little Miyako, What have you done now?-won by Jack Liu
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