Are you happy now?
More than words can say.
Now *ahem* why do you become a lawyer as an adult?
I become a lawyer?
How do *you* know?
I'm psychic.
You're starting to scare me.
Muahaha! *falls over* so anyway *sits back up* What's this I hear about you having a daughter?
I'm only 17 years old for Pete's sake! How can I have? Oh, wait. You're being a hentai freak again aren't you?
I'm the one asking the questions here! In the future you have a daughter, what's her name?
How should I know???
Oh I forgot, you don't you?
ARGH! *throws Shiore out the window, she clings to a tree and chuckles, trying to climb back inside, Iori pushes her face away from the window with his foot*
Let me in I have to peeeeee.
No! Go away.
I'm not letting a freak like you back into *my* house.
Look who's talking lipstick boy!
I'll have you know black lipstick is acceptable on guys today. It pisses me of when...blah blah blah
*Shiore has snuck in and has used his facilities*
....And that is why Hannibal Lector is my hero! Gah! How'd you get back in here?
I snuck in whilst you were prattling my dear.
Why won't it ever end? ;_;
There there pookie. I won't say anything to make you angry anymore.
Call me pookie again and I'll rip off your fingers and feed them to my snake.
Ok! Now to wrap up my interview, let's talk about you and what makes you that special person you are!
Ummm, How about no?
You're mean. Well if you don't feel like talking anymore I guess I'll just go over to Koushiro's house and show him this lovely plushie. I think he'll appreciate it!
Did I mention how much I hate you?
Or you could come with me, and we can bound merrily into the sunset together ^^
Do I have a choice?
No, not really. *grabs Iori and bounds energetically into the sunset*
Well that sucked.
Shut up you!
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