Tom M. Riddle
I am Lord Voldemort
Tom Riddle
Tom Marvolo Riddle
Lord Voldemort
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Tom Riddle.
Orphaned. Cunning. Intelligent. Speaks Parseltongue. Head Boy. Slytherin.

His eyes are green like Harry's. In fact, he resembles Harry in many ways. But they are destined to be enemies.

Tom Riddle was the first to open up the chamber of secrets and proceeded to kill the mudblood students. He became
Lord Voldemort... recruited the Death Eaters... killed James and Lily Potter - and encountered a one-year old Harry Potter. His killing curse on Harry backfired, leaving him without a physical body and branding Harry with the lightening bolt scar. Riddle also transferred some of his powers to Harry, such as the ability to speak Parseltongue.

Tom Riddle is the Heir of Slytherin, and as the newly reincarnated
Lord Voldemort, he's on a path to destroy Harry Potter and... well... take over the world.
Tom Riddle on the TOP 10
Tom Riddle QUOTES
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