DRACO                  MALFOY
Draco Malfoy is the son of Lucius Malfoy - one of the families that joined Lord Voldemort and then claimed to retract their allegiance after he disappeared and return to the -er - 'good side'. But if you've read beyond book one you know better!! Draco seems first just to be haughty and spoiled when he encounters Harry Potter in Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions. Yet, as the story unfold there is something cold and cool about him - reflected in that bright-white blond hair - and he has proved himself a calculating advesary, and quite an antagonist. In The Goblet of Fire evil explodes across the page, and the Malfoy family is far from clean, but despite rooting for Harry, Ron and Hermione there is something that still draws me to Draco!! I am not alone though, as others know who have come across the interesting fan-fiction that has sprung up... In the end, I look forward to the continuation of the story to see what will become of our little delightful brat...
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In the back of the shop, a boy with a pale, pointed face was standing on a footstool while a second witch pinned up his long black robes...

"And my name's Malfoy, Draco Malfoy."

DraDraco means Dragon in scholar tongue and is the name of the Snake constilation... Draco was also a cruel Greek ruler...Malfoy could be derived from "mal" (bad) and "foi" (faith) (french)...
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Tom Felton
is Draco Malfoy

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Tom Felton
The Malfoy Factor: Harry Potter with a Slytherin Slant
Draco Malfoy is one popular guy online!

Check on my site exclusively dedicated to him and other Slytherins:

THE MALFOY FACTOR: Harry Potter with a Slytherin Factor

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