Commodus Lucilla
Character Quotes
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"Am I not merciful? AM I NOT MERCIFUL?"
"It vexes me. I'm terribly vexed."
Commodus: The general who became a slave. The slave who became a gladiator. The gladiator who defied an emperor. Striking story! But now, the people want to know how the story ends. Only a famous death will do. And what could be more glorious than to challenge the Emperor himself in the great arena?
Maximus: You would fight me?
Commodus: Why not? Do you think I am afraid?
Maximus: I think you've been afraid all your life.
Commodus: Unlike 'Maximus the Invincible' who knows no fear?
Maximus: I knew a man once who said, "Death smiles at us all. All a man can do is smile back."
Commodus: I wonder, did your friend smile at his own death?
Maximus: You must know. He was your father.
Commodus: You loved my father, I know. But so did I. That makes us brothers, doesn't it? [stabs him] Smile for me know, brother.
Commodus chained Maximus
[Watching Lucius Sleep]
"He sleeps so well because he is loved."
"I would butcher the whole world, if only you would love me."
"I would make Rome the wonder of the ages. That is what Gracchus and his friends don't understand. All my desires are splitting my head to pieces."
Commodus: I think I understand my own people.
Gracchus: Then perhaps Caesar will be so good as to teach us, out of his own extensive experience?
Commodus: I call it love, Gracchus. The people are my children, I am their father. I shall hold them to my bosom and embrace them tightly--
Gracchus: Have you ever embraced someone dying of plage, sire?
Commodus: No, but if you interrupt me again I assure you that you shall.
"Sometimes royal ladies behave very strangely and do odd things in the name of love."
[To Maximus]
"What am I going to do with you? You simply won't...die."
"You know I love you."
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