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Please help us to improve the quality of academic advising at our college by completing this survey thoughtfully and honestly. We especially need and value your written comments below each item because these comments enable you to justify or explain your rating, and enable us to understand why you chose to rate the item as you did. Your written comments also provide advisors with the type of specific feedback they need to make improvements.
Your handwritten comments will be converted to typewritten form and presented to your advisor along with other students� comments, so your comments will remain confidential. Also, the questions about your age, gender, and class standing at the beginning of the survey are not meant to identify you personally; instead, they will be aggregated (combined) across different students and presented to your advisor in summary form�for the purpose of providing your advisor with feedback on how different student subgroups perceive the quality of advising they are receiving.
Thanks in advance for your help. We will read your comments carefully, consider them seriously, and make an earnest attempt to improve the quality of academic advising for all present and future students at Marymount.

(signature of program director)
Director of Academic Advisement
Age: (1) 24 or younger (2) 25 or older
Gender: (1) male (2) female
Major: (1) decided (2) undecided
Class: (1) freshman (2) sophomore (3) junior (4) senior

Please use the following scale to rate items: (1) Disagree Strongly (D-ST)
(2) Disagree Moderately (D-M)
(3) Disagree Slightly (D-SL)
(4) Agree Slightly (A-SL)
(5) Agree Moderately (A-M)
(6) Agree Strongly (A-ST).

(D-ST) (D-M) (D-SL) (A-SL) (A-M) (A-ST)
1 2 3 4 5 6
My advisor:

1. is hard to get in touch with.
reason/explanation for rating:

2. gives me as much time as I need when we meet.
reason/explanation for rating:

3. encourages me to come by for help.
reason/explanation for rating:

4. takes a personal interest in me.
reason/explanation for rating: 5. encourages me to express my thoughts and feelings.
reason/explanation for rating:

6. is a good listener.
reason/explanation for rating:

7. gives me accurate information about course requirements.
reason/explanation for rating:

8. helps me understand why required courses are important for my professional development and future plans.
reason/explanation for rating:

9. considers my personal abilities, talents, and interests when advising me about courses or programs of study.
reason/explanation for rating:

10. has assisted me in developing a long-term education plan.
reason/explanation for rating:

11. helps me to connect with campus resources (learning center, counseling services, etc.)
reason/explanation for rating:

12. helps me make important educational decisions (selecting elective courses, exploring academic majors/minors, etc.)
reason/explanation for rating: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

As an advisee, I:

13. made appointments to see my advisor.
reason/explanation for rating:

14. kept appointments I made with my advisor.
reason/explanation for rating:

15. was well prepared for my appointments.
reason/explanation for rating:

1. What are your advisors major strengths or best features?

2. What could your advisor to improve the quality of his/her advising?

3. Would you recommend your advisor to other students?

The Advisement Center is seeking your input on the academic advising process at Marymount with the intent of strengthening and improving the program. Individual responses to this survey will be treated confidentially, and only general trends will be shared with the college community.
Please return this survey through campus mail within three weeks to the Advisement Center. Thanks for your time and effort; we hope to put the information to good use.

Number of Years You Have Been Advising at Marymount: ____________

Number of Students You Presently Advise: _______________________

1. Which of the following best characterizes your attitude toward advising?

_____ I find advising pleasant and rewarding.
_____ I have neither very positive nor very negative feelings
toward advising. _____ I find advising unpleasant.

Reason/rationale for this response:

2. Which of the following best captures your perception of student attitudes toward the advising process at Marymount?

_____ Students find the advising process pleasant and rewarding.
_____ Students have neither very positive nor very negative feelings about the advising process.
_____ Students find the advising process unpleasant and frustrating.

Reason/rationale for this response:

3. My academic advising experience is best characterized by the following (check as many as apply):

____ Students often do not keep appointments.

____ Students often do not come with any pre-planned schedule.

____ I give accurate advice and answers on Marymount's requirements.

____ I give accurate advice and answers to student questions relating to their options after graduation.

____ I serve as a resource person to my advisees on matters relating to choice of a college major.

____ I serve as a resource person to my advisees on matters relating to career choice.

____ I help my advisees to resolve their personal problems.

____ I refer my advisees to campus support services for assistance on matters that are beyond my expertise.

____ I encourage my advisees to become involved in campus life and off-campus community service.

4. Overall, how would you rate the academic advisement system at Marymount?

___ highly effective ___ moderately effective ___ slightly effective

Reason/rationale for this rating:

5. What do you find to be the most rewarding aspect of academic advising at Marymount?

6. What do you find to be the most frustrating or dissatisfying aspect of academic advising at Marymount?

7. In what ways might our academic advisement system be improved?

8. What type(s) of additional personal or institutional support do advisors need at Marymount to make the advising process more effective and/or satisfying for advisors?

Final Comments/Suggestions/Recommendations:

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