Due to the resent up shot of my site in popularity, I was put in for a rating. Can you believe it, a rating... well, oh well... As it turns out the vote was pushing for a MA rating on my site. I tend to curse a little to much, and I'm not a very pleasent person to be around. I said some pretty mean stuff around my site. But because i don't have a high case of nudity (there is a little, not much though) I got a 14 on the web count for rating.. Like movie kinda rating.. so you have to be 14 to view this site.. now if I actually cared how old you are when you see my site and what shit I say on here, I believe you shouldn't be watching Anime either (because Adult Swim is for 18 and up, if you watch Inu Yasha that is) So If they can't stop you from watching Anime on TV then why should I care if you are older than 14. I just thought a panda flicking someone off was funny...
Fa Teen:  (14 Rating)

This site contains slightly offensive material.  High chance of mild swearing, partial nudity, violence and adult themes.
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