Ways To Download Anime
There are many different choices when trying to get Anime. When looking on Google or any other navigator I suggest you look under some of theses meathods. You will receive so much more anime looking this way.
KazAa/Morphues: Thress words Mistress of Satan. These meathods suck. I hate using KazAa its slow and people kick you off all the time. Now I suggest if you like KazAa and the private DL then I suggest looking up Diet KazAa. It kills all Spyware and it also kills all Ads. YES! You know when DLing stuff you have to click 'find more sources' to get you Download to continue. Well with Diet Kazaa Yeah just have to click the button 'More sources' and it atomatically looks for more sources for all of you downloads.

Ares: Ares is a peer to peer file sharing program that enables users to share any digital file including images, audio, video, software, documents, etc. You may now easily publish your files through the Ares Network.As a member of the Ares network, you can also search and download just about any digital media file. With Ares you can also join or host chat rooms and meet new friends.

In English that means its another rip off of KazAa, but I've been hearing different things about this program. I've been hearing good things about it.I heard it runs faster than KazAa. And its easier to use. But I guess you have to check it out for yourself.

Direct Connection: The simple way to do things. Everyone wish this was more used. But due to costs of internet and laws/bans this is not very exceptable. But there are a few people out there willing to try.

Noated.Com: A great navigator out there for anyone. When looking up anime click in AE Search (Anime Episode Search)duh? Well, its says under each site what meathods are being used at that current site. Its a good way to find what you are looking for fast.
Fan Girl Friday/Anime Forever: Her site is great direct connection DL. But you have to know how to DL Bit. Look down this page for Bit Downloading.

Inuyasha Zone: Okay you will randomly find me put site in here. Now most sites I find are in different lang. so you have to pay attention. I'm just a clever one. Okay on this site you will see Episodes you want
| 1-10 | 11-20 | 21-30 | 31-40 | 41-50 | 51-60 | 61-70 | 71-80 | 81-90 | 91-100 | 101- ... |
Pick which section that has the episode you want. For example 1-10, okay BAM your there. Now there's 4 columes Number/Name/Status/Download. Find the episode number you want. And go over and RIGHT CLICK the Download button. SAVE TARGET AS.. okay in the 'File Name' Scroll box it should say inu# (Number of episode) . Then in the Save File Type it should say Windows Media Audio/Video File (something along that sort) If it doesn't, if it say HTML something CLICK CANCEL AND TRY AGAIN. If it says the right stuff click save. And Bam it should start DL, but make sure it gets all of it, now this site is very finky so you will have to click on it again and try it all over.
Bit Torrent: Its almost like a ZIP file but it hold bigger files. Before you can do anything with BitTorrent, you need to install the client program. This program can be downloaded from the BitTorrent download page. Microsoft Windows users should click on the "windows installer" link about halfway down the page. Clicking on that link will take you to a page which asks you to select a mirror. Simply click on the link for the mirror site closest to you. When a window similar to the one below appears, click the "Save" button and select a location on your computer to save the file to. Remember this location!
Note: if the file name ends in "zip" then you clicked the wrong link on the download page. Click "Cancel" and go back to the download page and check again.

Installing the client
Once the download is finished, go to the location you saved it to and double-click on it. It will automatically start the installation. After a short time you should see a window saying that "BitTorrent has been successfully installed." Just click "OK" and the installation is complete!
Using BitTorrent: Downloading files
.torrent files
Unlike programs like Kazaa or Napster, BitTorrent isn't a program you open up and search for files in. Instead, you need to download a .torrent file for whatever file you want to download. This .torrent file tells the BitTorrent client about the file you want to download from (Where to get it, how big it is, etc). The .torrent file is not the actual file you want!! This part confuses a lot of people. The .torrent file lets you get the file you want - that's all.

Downloading a file If you have BitTorrent installed, when you click on a link to a .torrent file in your web browser, the BitTorrent client will immediately take over and start downloading the real file. If it doesn't, just save the .torrent file as you normally would save a file from your web browser and double-click on it. BitTorrent will ask you where you want to store the file. Once you tell it where to save it to, you should see a BitTorrent download window like the one below
Now, you just have to sit and wait until the download finishes. When it's done, the dialog will say "Download Completed." The window will not close, however. As long as the window is open, you will be helping serve that file to others. Most BitTorrent sites ask that people keep the download windows open as long as they can to help serve, and it's the polite thing to do. Remember, you're getting these files for free. ^_^
Resuming downloads
Resuming a file is easy - just double-click on the .torrent file for the file you want to resume, and when BitTorrent asks you where to save to, select the same file you originally chose to save to. BitTorrent will auto-resume and everything will be happy ^_^

Helping serve files
Whenever you're using BitTorrent, you are helping serve the file you are downloading. While you're downloading parts of the file, you're also uploading other parts to other people who don't have them yet. The reason the window stays open after the download completes is so that you can continue serving the file to others. If you have bandwidth to spare, you should leave the window open at least a little while to help distribute the file to others.
FTP: File Transer Process, seems simple, yeah right, you need a computer that will first support FTP. Then you a need a program that will do it for you. http://www.ftpplanet.com/download.htm.
FTP is kinda like Kazaa but its more direct. I kinda liked its. I got a hold of a few Inuyasha Episodes this way. If you have any questions about working FTP look on this page.

If you have any futher questions please e-mail. I will be glad to tell you to get a brain... no, i'll let you how to work it person to person.
CD Via Mail: Plain and simple. Ask someone who has The episodes you want and ask them to burn them on to a CD for you and mail them to you. This has alot of risk involved because you have to hand out your address... but if you need get it address else where with permission of coarse. Its less risky that way. Sometimes they will ask for payment of CD (Just send them amount of CD's Need and they will send them back full of Episodes) or they will pay for the CD's and ask you to send them back cash. This also takes trust. Make sure you before you do this that you get a written contract. That will allow you to take it to court if they don't pay you.
IRC:Internet Relay Chat (IRC) is one of the most popular and most interactive services on the Internet. Sure, the Web is nice for finding info and E-mail beats snailmail hands down, but when you've been wondering 'where the others are?', then IRC is what you're looking for.
IRC is the net's equivalent of CB radio. But unlike CB, Internet Relay Chat lets people all over the world participate in real-time conversations. IRC is where the Net comes alive!

Using an IRC client (program) you can exchange text messages interactively with other people all over the world. Some of the more popular chat clients are mIRC, Pirch, and Virc for Windows and Homer or Ircle for Mac's. What program you use doesn't really matter; all of them connect to the same chat networks. When logged into a chat session, you "converse" by typing messages that are instantly sent to other chat participants.

Meeting people. IRC is great fun and you'll sure meet lots of interesting people and find nice spots to hang out! But, IRC is not something that you should just jump into without first reading up on it. You could feel very lost if you do not know some basic commands before you enter IRC, and you might not even know how to get out of IRC after that :o) So, we suggest you read some documentation (help files, readmes, FAQs etc) before you get connected to an IRC server, or it can be very frustrating for you when you get stuck. No worries, all info you need is available on mIRC's web pages and... mIRC makes things really simple!

To know how to do this I found this site very useful


                                       Extum.com: Okay I know this guy of the internet. Now i found him the best help with IRC. He also has his page on IRC Episodes. Check him out at [email protected] tell him DA sent ya. He will also certain episodes of anime on his site for Direct Connection if you ask him nicely.
Stream Loader: Streamload is an online file storage, hosting, and delivery service. You can upload files to our servers, and then store them for backup, email them, host them on the Internet, and more. There are no storage limits on Streamload, and we offer free, unlimited storage for certain files. All files are welcome here; even huge MP3 collections and gigabyte-size videos can call Streamload home.

Don't be fooled. Its very costly trust me. Buts its away if you have endless pocket check out this site

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