My Early Fanfic

������ In February of 1999 one of my book clubs featured an ad for The Watcher's Guide (the first volume, of course). �The ad gave excerpts and quotes from the book, and these piqued my interest. �I ordered the book, read the story of Buffy (and of course Angel) and began watching the show shortly thereafter. �Although I was (and am) enchanted by the wit and humor of the series, it was the love between the Slayer and the Vampire that hooked me - ironic in the extreme, since it was that season which saw Angel leaving Sunnydale. �Sometimes my timing absolutely sucks.

������ Anyway, I managed to get my hands on copies of most of the Season 1 & 2 episodes so I could catch up on what I'd missed - and almost immediately began writing fanfic. �These are my earliest efforts:

Dreams Of Thee - What if Jenny had been able to warn Buffy & Angel about the curse, before it was too late? Rated NC-17.

Without You - Two years after Angel left Sunnydale, Joyce is worried about Buffy. Rated NC-17.

A New Day - Sequel to "Without You." Rated NC-17.

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