Going to a  school which nicknames you,"That gay devil-worshipping freak that dyed his hair  purple".
People ask you  things like,"What's so funny", and "What prescription are you on?"
Wearing a  black turtleneck in the middle of summer.
Having to  reach for the salt with one hand while holding back your sleeve with the other  so it doesn't drag in the gravy.
Trying to find  your passessions in an all black room.
Being asked to  defend your entire existence in 30 seconds or less.
Having little  kids tug on their parents sleeves and say,"Look Mummy-I want to look just like  her!",while the parent grabs the child and legs it.
Trying to wash  dishes with those flowy sleeves.
Going out in  winter and having all the metal stuff you're wearing freeze against your  skin.
Returning home  from clubbing the next day on a train full of businessmen.
Trying to buy  mundane clothes to go out job hunting in and not being able to bring yourself to  buy anything with colour.
Not being able  to climb really small stairs because the pointy toes on your shoes stick out so  far you can't get your actual toes on the steps.
Attempting to  explain goth to someone who has no familiarity with any reference you manage to  come up with.
Driving in a  rather large cloak.
Getting other  peoples black eyeliner smudges off your face from greeting hugs at the  club.
Wearing that  ultra cool pewter cross you just bought to the club,then spinning and knocking  yourself silly while dancing,then trying to nonchalantly check your forehead for  blood while still dancing.
Having to tell  your clothes apart basically by fabric only,eg"Hand me that black shirt",  "Uh-which one?"
Wanting to go  out and play in the rain but fearing it'll ruin your hair.
Finding that  your cape gets in the way of your cleaning tools when going to work at the  graveyard.
Trying to keep  your white makeup on at hot summer festivals.
Accidently  kicking things and having parts fly off because you're wearing steel toed  boots.
Brushing  against walls and having chips fly off because of your spiked  bracelet.
Being the  focal point in any photo taken with normals.
When it's  winter-your nose is always red no matter how much white makeup you have  on.
Trying to  explain to people that the scars up and down your arms are actually from your  cat.
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