Gothy  Things
Gothy Things.....To Read, To See and To  Do.
Books and  Novels
It's hard to say what kind  of books Goths like because it falls into such a broad range. Many goths are  well read in "classic" literature, ( I personally have studied literature  extensively), also religion, philosophy, history ( again my area of study), and  even politics. It all depends on the inclinations of the  person.
Vampire,  Fantasy, Horror, Sci-Fi Novels.
=Anne Rice novels, especially the Vampire  Chronicles.
Poppy Z. Brite novels,in  particular "Lost Souls."
H.P.  Lovecraft.
Ray  Bradbury.
=Dostoyevsky - "Notes From the Underground."
Dante - "The Inferno."
Orwell -  "1984"
Stoker -  "Dracula"
Mary Shelley -  "Frankenstein"
Percy Bysshe Shelley, Lord Byron  (Romantic - era poetry)
EVERYTHING by Edgar Allen  Poe.
Goth Friendly Record  Labels.
Various titles abound,some of the front - runners in my opinion  are:
Blue Blood.
Industrial Nation.
Carpe  Noctem
An interesting tidbit for  you - Tim Burton is the Director of several of the movies that I've listed here.  He seems to have the knack for the Gothic aesthetic in a film!!
My Favourites are:
="The Hunger" - a vampire flick with David Bowie and Susan  Sarandon.
="Rocky Horror Picture Show"- the cult classic with Tim Curry. A little  too strange to be described!!
="Hellraiser" - Some horror movies  hit it big with Goths, some don't care for them at all.
="Dracula" - a big classic.
="The Crow" - A classic truly for it's dark themes of murder, revenge,  love, urban decay. Dark aesthetics in =the fim areshots of the graveyard and an  elaborate church.
="Edward Scissorhands" - loved by Goths everywhere.
="The Nightmare Before Christmas" - classic. Wonderful Tim Burton dark  humour.
="Beetlejuice"- check out Winona Ryder's character Lydia. The classic  goth girl. I love this one.
="The Craft" - although witchcraft theme,the rarity of a goth lead  character makes this film noteworthy.
="The Lost Boys" - another favourite. Wonderful soundtrack  also
Miscellaneous Gothy Bits and Pieces
Other  things Goths tend to like:
=Art. Most Goths are dabblers in the creative arts,whether it be  photography, music, writing, drawing etc.
The  humanities in general :literature,history, philosophy.
H.R. Geiger. ("Alien"-biomechanic fantasy artwork.), and Salvador Dali  -Surrealist artist.
Christmas lights - strung  everywhere.
Spiders webs, spiders, web  designs on clothing, jewellry.
Skulls,  skeletons.
Graveyards - especially to take  pictures.
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