I`ll be here for you eberydaii
whenever you need meeh
I`ll never go away

I fell into the depth of your eyes
i don`t know how i ever survived
with you in mah mind
my heart will never die

I wonder how i ever survived
thank God from above
he has sent meeh one to love

I need you here with meeh
ebery single day ob my life
your an angel sent from above
where the clouds are wonderful
thank God for mah love

I feel through the depth of your eyes
hoping that you would be mine
you`ve been here for meeh and
I`ll be there for you

Friendships come and Friendships go
Like wave upon the sand
Like day and night
Like birds in flight
Like snowflakes when
they land
But you and I are
something else
Our friendship's here to
Like weeds and rocks
and dirty socks
It never goes away!

A Friendship is a Treasure
A Friend is someone we turn to,
when our spirits need a lift.
A friend is someone we treasure,
for our friendship is a gift.
A friend is someone who fills our lives,
with beauty, joy and grace.
And make the world we live in,
a better and happier place.
A Friend is someone we turn to,
when our spirits need a lift.
A friend is someone we treasure,
for our friendship is a gift.
A friend is someone who fills our lives,
with beauty, joy and grace.
And make the world we live in,
a better and happier place.

You are my best friend through thick and thin.
When You reach for my hand you touch my heart.
You are The bestest friend that i can have.

You are there for me when i need you the most.
You Cheer me up when i am down.
If i am about to cry u Make me smile.
You are my bestest friend and i can Not lie.

You listen to me and give me advice, advice that

Straight from the bottom of your precious heart.
You are My best friend in the whole wide world and i
couldn't ask God for a little bit more.

We are going to grow older, and things will change
our Friendship will forever still remain.
I'll make new friends but That won't change because
you will always be my best friend.

I'd like to mean as much to you as you mean to me.
I'd like to Be some help to you as you have been to
I'd like to know That as we grow old our lives will
change but that our Friendship will still remain.

Me and you will never be apart maybe in distance but
never in Heart for our friendship is way to strong
let it go off just like That.

All i can say is that you are my best friend and i
swear to God That i don't want it to change.
I may move to a different state but
That doesn't mean that our friendship will end,
because you will Always be my best friend.
No matter what life has destined for us
I know that our friendship will never die.

A true friend never walks away
A true will always stay
A true friend looks out for you

A true friend will guard your secrets
Like a precious gift
A true friend is there for you
To give you a helpful lift

A true friend tries to make you smile
Tries to replace that frown
They may not always succeed
But they rarely let you down

These arms for you are open
This heart for you does care
And when I think you need me
I'll try to always be there

I'll listen to your fears
I promise not to laugh
Comfort your falling tears
I'll make this friendship last

I'll keep you near to my heart
I'll always hold you dear
Even when we're miles apart
Even when you're here

I hope I am to you
Everything you are to me
For the friendship we have
Is a special one indeed.

This is a list
Of what to expect
From me to you
With love and respect
I owe you an ear
Cuz u would always pay attention
I owe you a shoulder
Cuz on yours, lies my affection
I owe u a hand
You always helped out
I owe u advice
Of that there’s no doubt
I owe u respect
Of that you're full
I owe trust
With my secrets you were cool
I owe you knowledge
You taught me so much
I owe you love
Deep in my heart, you touched
I owe you a friend
Who is honest and true
I owe you my life
Because of what you still do

We had a friendship pure and true,
A friendship time could never cease,
That in sad moments, could renew,
And bring to us release,
We had a friendship, you and I,
That was taken much for granted.
We thought that it would never die,
Much like the seed that we have planted.
And in such haste did we forget,
The love required to grow,
And at our feet it shall be set,
Drowning from feelings never shown.
Maybe we can save this seed before its time is
For I've never had a friendship, as the one i have
with you.

Words escape me
at this moment
that seems like the end
yet it is only the beginning
when friendships are close
and dreams are far
you were there for me.
Tears fill me
with memories of both good and bad
some nearly forgotten
yet all dear to the heart
you were there for me.
In times of trouble
and in times of thanks
you stood by my side
and held me up.
Through your ever-patient ears
to your comforting hugs
you were there for me.
From that first day
when I saw you and knew
that you would love me for who I was
you were there for me.
And until the day
when we are old and gray
I will always know that
you are there for me.

Cold black stone
Left me standing here all alone
A road I’ve found no end
So many bumps and turns
Still you leave me with another bend

Twisted and curved I follow
Deep within my heart cold and hollow
Winding and turning I continued on
So many roads have come and gone

One day I set out to find the right path
Frustrated, sad and confused
Only to find myself feeling its wrath
I moved along,
My Soul, tormented and bruised

Standing at a fork in this God forsaken place
Tired, scared and all alone
Tears of sorrow streaked my face
I fall, hitting hard, the cold black stone

A gentle touch upon my shoulder
Not knowing, not willing to understand
I turned to see you standing there
Outstretched arm with a helping hand.........

I thank God for the day you were created
And smile each time you look my way
The road has warmed and all my sorrows were tamed
Within my heart your friendship and love will always remain.

So the next road I travel frightening and new
I will walk without pain or sorrow
Not before, but knowing this now
All my roads will lead back to you

In my darkest hour...
In my deepest despair...
Will you still care?
Will you be there?

In my trials and my tribulations?
Through all doubts and frustrations?
In my violence...
And my turbulence?

Through my fear
And my confessions?
In my anguish...
And my pain?

Through my joy and sorrow
In the promise of another tomorrow
I will never let you part
For you, are always in my heart.

You're my friend because you're always there,
If there's sadness around or in the air,
At night, in the morning or anytime of day,
You're there to cheer me up and chase the sadness away.

I just want to thank you for all you've done,
You've helped me through a lot, you're really number
Thanks for all the good times that we share,
It shows that you're one who really does care.

Thanks for being there when time got rough,
You make it easier when times get too tough
Thanks for being there each and every day,
Thanks for being you in that very special way.

Now, who you are is who I know,
After you as a person began to grow.
Looking at you is like looking in the mirror,
And what you say makes my life clearer.

It seems what good I've done, you've shared
For this you know not how I've cared.
From you, often I must draw strength
You give my patience with life its length.

Things with meaning are in your presence
Looking me in the eye is your essence.
You know my thoughts after just one glance,
Letting you in, glad I gave you the chance.

You were too strong and I too weak
Your absolute trust, what I would seek.
Now, I've got yours and you've got mine
So, I always know everything's fine.

I've come to know this, and it's true,
I seldom question myself when I'm with you.
I hang on your words, the little things you say,
I'm happy, reminded of what you said yesterday.

It's these things I've wanted to share,
To let you know how much I care.
For you and few others I'd take the fall,
So that you might have, I'd risk all.

Do you know how I feel when you touch my heart
Can you hear me cry inside at your silent embrace
Do you see the fear I keep hidden away
Can you feel the pain I never show

I can't help but smile when you touch my heart
You can't know the warmth it brings me
I can't bring myself to share the love
You can't see the hope in my soul

If only I too touch your heart
I only try to ease your fears
If only I could help as much
I only wish I were as true

Do you know you touch my heart
I love you being in my life
Do you feel the way I do
Do you know you touch my heart

You made me remember the good times
When i could only remember the bad
You promised me a return
Of the peace i long ago had
You never left me alone
When that was what i wrongly thought i needed
You never dwelt on my faults
Instead you pointed out when i had succeeded
You made me laugh
When i felt i would cry
You made me live
When i wished to die.

don't ever be afraid 2 come to me n cry
dont ever hesitate 2 look me in the eye
dont ever be afraid 2 tell me how u feel
remember ur my friendz n we gotta keep it real

My dearest foolish friend, will you never learn
Will you never learn to trust in our friendship
Will you never understand what friendship is
Are you so very untrusting, so withdrawn
that you cannot see what is right in front of you

Can you not see that real friends never turn away
Never abandon the other during times of crisis
Never seek to hurt the other, nor give pain at any
Friends are those that bond together and stay
The truest of friends share their innermost secrets
the good, bad and ugly that others would not

A friend will never judge or make the other
feel less than what they truly are
A friend wants only what is best for the other
and always forgives life's little mistakes
Never lessening who and what they are
Never trying to change what cannot be changed

A friend treasures all that is given to them
in words, thoughts, feelings and expressions of the
Only one that cares will listen to your deepest
only a friend will hold these things to their heart
and know that they are special because they are from

These things and oh so much more
are what the truest, purest form of friendship are
A friend will give strength in your weakest moments
be your rock and strongest ally never waning
A friend will be there for you
in this time and space and even into the afterworld

So dearest friend, treasure what you have
never take it for granted, never assume
never be anything but what you are - a friend
special because you are who you are.

Friendship is the kind of love
that never can grow old.
Warm and cozy it will stay
when other things are cold.
Friendship is a love so true
it won't be denied,
Because a friend will always be
there close by your side.
Boyfriends and lovers come and go
in this game of life we play,
But a true friend, no matter what,
in your heart will always stay.
So hold these friends dear to you,
and never let them go.
Think how much they mean to you,
and make sure to tell them so.

Friendship is a rare jewel that shines,
Only when you give it a sunny smile
Friendship is a lock that opens,
Only when you unlock your true self to it
Friendship is a song, which is sung,
Only when you know its rhythm
Friendship is a dream, which comes true,
Only when you believe in it
Friendship is a sun, which rises,
Only when your heart has set on it
Friendship is a throne, on which you can sit,
Only when you share your kingdom with it
Friendship is a path, which you will find,
Only when you know you are lost
Friendship is a hand that holds yours,
Only when you extend yours
Friendship is an album of reminiscences, which you
leaf through,
Only when you cherish it
Friendship is a lamp, which lights,
Only when you know it will assuage your heart
Friendship is a lantern, which glows,
Only when you need the warmth of it
Friendship is a language, which you speak,
Only when you know the meaning of it
Friendship is a potpourri of feelings, which you can
Only when you have a true friend...

Friendship is something that grows through the years
Withstanding feelings of anger, joy and tears
It is something you cannot live without
A friend you can turn to when in doubt
They should listen carefully and not speak a word
For you would do the same when they want to be heard
A person you can confide in, learn from and trust
This is a friend and everyone must
Be able to have someone just like this
Not a boyfriend to hug, cuddle and kiss
But a person so special, faithful and true
The only one I can think of is a person like you
Our friendship is strong, healthy and great
Through the years I see its wonderful fate
A fate of laughs, greatness and fun
We have only one life to live and this is the one
The past- full of memories that runs through my head
The bad ones never talked about or said
Every moment of life should glisten with fresh morning dew
This reminds me of the greatest friendship one ever knew.

I sing the champions theme this day
A tale of honor and love
A tale I know of close experience
From an angel bestowed upon me from above.

I sing the champions theme this day
A tale of sorrow and guilt
A tale I know of close experience
Upon which all my foundations have been built.

I sing the champions theme this day
A tale of understanding and trust
A tale I know of close experience
Whose hateful words are light as dust.

I sing the champions theme this day
I sing it from my heart
I sing of the angel I know so well
The angel from which I shall never part.

Friendship is the kind of love
that never can grow old.
Warm and cozy it will stay
when other things are cold.
Friendship is a love so true
it won't be denied,
Because a friend will always be
there close by your side.
Boyfriends and lovers come and go
in this game of life we play,
But a true friend, no matter what,
in your heart will always stay.
So hold these friends dear to you,
and never let them go.
Think how much they mean to you,
and make sure to tell them so.

A friend is someone true and for real,
A friend is someone who means a great deal.
A friend won't hurt you,
A friend won't lie,
A friend will never permanently say good-bye.
A friend is there through the good times and bad,
A friend is there to cheer you up when your sad.
A friend is always there with a shoulder to cry on,
A friend is always there that you can rely on.
So, friend if you ever need someone honest and true,
Just remember ill always be here for you.

Friends are there until the end,
They're always themselves, no pretend.
They're not afraid to be seen with you,
They will never betray you.
Friends never tell secrets they promise to keep,
they make you feel good about yourself in times of
They come and cheer for you at your games,
In a friend there is no shame.
Friends are there to listen when you're depressed,
They are the people you should know best.
Friends are like presents you open again and again,
Always are with you through thick and thin.

We need each other...
In times of private pain,
of fear and stress;

We need each other...
to share our joys,
our times of happiness;

We need each other...
to hold on and be strong, and
encourage when things are going wrong;

We need each other...
to keep the faith and love,
and remind each other of all
the things we're dreaming of;
We need each other... now and always.

A friend is like a flower,
a rose to be exact,
Or maybe like a brand new gate
that never comes unlatched.
A friend is like an owl,
both beautiful and wise.
Or perhaps a friend is like a ghost,
whose spirit never dies.
A friend is like those blades of grass
you can never mow,
standing straight, tall, and proud
in a perfect little row.
A friend is like a heart that goes
strong until the end.
Where would we be in this world
if we didn't have a friend.

When friendships undergo a test
It's often found old friends are best;
The sampler on the parlour wall
Has these few lines which say it all;
The best of friends can change a frown
Into a smile when you feel down.
The best of friends will understand
Your little trials and lend a hand.
The best of friends will always share
Your secret dreams because they care.
The best of friends, worth more than gold,
Give all the love a heart can hold.

If I could catch a rainbow
I would do it just for you.
And share with you it's beauty
On the days you're feeling blue.
If I could build a mountain
You could call your very own.
A place to find serenity
A place to be alone.
If I could take your troubles
I would toss them in the sea.
But all these things I'm finding
are impossible for me,
I cannot build a mountain
Or catch a rainbow fair
But let me be...what I know best,
A friend that's always there.

Life is like a garden
And friendship like a flower,
That blooms and grows in beauty
With the sunshine and the shower.

And lovely are the blossoms
That are tended with great care,
By those who work unselfishly
To make the place more fair.

And, like the garden blossoms,
Friendship's flower grows more sweet
When watched and tended carefully
By those we know and meet.

And, if the seed of friendship
Is planted deep and true
And watched with understanding,
Friendship's flower will bloom for you.

May my friendships always be
The most important thing to me;
With special friends I feel I'm blessed,
So let me give my very best.
I want to do much more than share
The hopes and plans of friends who care;
I'll try all that a friend can do
To make their secret dreams come true.
Let me use my heart to see,
To realize what friends can be,
And make no judgments from afar,
But love my friends the way they are. 

We're joined in a friendship
That time cannot sever
With bonds we have built
We'll remain friends forever

We're welded in spirit
Attached by our hearts
And fused by the feelings
That friendship imparts

We're tied by emotions
Connected by dreams
Reinforced by our hopes
Unified by extremes

No longer a function
of time or of space
Our love is a substance
That life won't replace

No matter how distant
We'll always endeavor
To sense the full meaning
of Friendship Forever

Sometimes in life,
you find a special friend;
Someone who changes your life
just by being part of it.
Someone who makes you laugh
until you can't stop;
Someone who makes you believe
that there really is good in the world.
Someone who convinces you
that there really is an unlocked door
just waiting for you to open it.
This is Forever Friendship.
When you're down, 
and the world seems dark and empty,
Your forever friend lifts you up in spirit
and makes that dark and empty world
suddenly seem bright and full.
Your forever friend gets you through
the hard times, the sad times,
and the confused times.
If you turn and walk away,
your forever friend follows.
If you lose your way,
your forever friend guides you
and cheers you on.
Your forever friend holds your hand
and tells you that
everything is going to be okay.
And if you find such a friend,
you feel happy and complete,
because you need not worry.
You have a forever friend for life,
and forever has no end.

A good friend is someone to do nothing much with and find "nothing much" so much fun,
A good friend is talking and talking about everything under the sun.
A good friend is someone who really is glad when you've worked for and won a success,
Someone you don't have to be on your guard with or be what you aren't to impress.
A good friend is so many wonderful someones all mixed in a marvelous blend
Of memory making, of giving and taking, a "now and forever" Good Friend.

You are my best friend
You always will be
Yet sometimes I get mad at you
And you get mad at me
Sometimes I don't understand
Sometimes I dont know what to do
But remember always
That I will forgive you.

As you sit in silence,
Wondering why
I'll be your shoulder to cry on
Until your tears run dry.

When you've been hurt,
And can't believe what they've done
If you need someone to talk to
I'll be the one.

If a close friend hurts you,
And you don't understand
Remember I'm here,
I'll lend a helping hand.

Burdens are lighter when carried by two,
And I just want you to know
I'm here for you.

You may not consider yourself,
But you may very well be
A leader, a winner,
For all the world to see.

In the eyes of others,
You are a martyr.
You have received recognition,
And you have worked harder.

But why ? Why all the praise?
I have done nothing but kept my word,
To a dear friend who needed me,
In every incidence that occurred.

But friend, I tell you, you are a hero.
You helped me see the light.
When I had no eyes,
You saved me, and you were my sight.

Friends 4- life is what we are
Through thick and thin you were my friend
Leaning on you, you gave me support
The strength to get up and go again

If my heart was shattered, you'd heal it
If my heart was happy, we both rejoiced in it

You are my best friend
always and forever
It's been good
the best friendship ever
Never end, now and forever

I love having you as a friend,
You make my day brighter,
I'm happy with this friend I've found
Who makes my burdens lighter.
Whenever I see you,
It makes me want to smile,
You were never too cool,
Always in Style.
Don't you ever leave me,
I'll never make you frown,
By your side I'll always be,
Especially when you're down.
Even through the worst of days,
I will be right here,
Watching you through ever faze,
Catching every tear.
You hold my feelings in your hand,
Every single one,
My friendship will forever stand,
Even when the fun is done.
So don't ever forget me,
For I will not forget you,
Here for you I will always be,
No matter what you do.
If others could feel as free,
As I feel with this Friend,
Friendship and warmth is all they'd see,
And love would never end.

The hardest part of being a friend
is knowing when you need it a little
and when you need it a lot.

So just in case you're in need
of a friendly "hi" today,
I wanted to let you know I'm here still caring,
still thinking about you,
and still being your friend.

You turned my darkness into light;
You made everything all right.
You picked me up when I was down;
You turned my life around.
If I didn't have you, what would I be?
A blessing is what you are to me.

When I needed you the most, you were there;
Even if it seemed like you didn't care.
When I didn't think I could make it another day,
You chased all my doubts away.
If I didn't have you, what would I be?
A treasure is what you are to me.

The world is full of many people, it's true;
But there is only one of you.
You fill my heart with love;
You're a God-sent gift from above.
If I didn't have you, what would I be?
An angel is what you are to me.

Lost and alone, I will no longer be;
Because you are here with me.
There is no reason to be sad;
You've taken away all the bad.
If I didn't have you, what would I be?
A best friend is what you are to me!!

You turned my darkness into light;
You made everything all right.
You picked me up when I was down;
You turned my life around.
If I didn't have you, what would I be?
A blessing is what you are to me.

When I needed you the most, you were there;
Even if it seemed like you didn't care.
When I didn't think I could make it another day,
You chased all my doubts away.
If I didn't have you, what would I be?
A treasure is what you are to me.

The world is full of many people, it's true;
But there is only one of you.
You fill my heart with love;
You're a God-sent gift from above.
If I didn't have you, what would I be?
An angel is what you are to me.

Lost and alone, I will no longer be;
Because you are here with me.
There is no reason to be sad;
You've taken away all the bad.
If I didn't have you, what would I be?
A best friend is what you are to me!!

A good friend is always kind,
Should always speak their mind,
Their compassion should never end,
That's what it takes to be a good friend.

A good friend is there for you,
They are real, they are true- blue,
Their compassion should never end,
That's what it takes to be a good friend.

A good friend will be there when you marry,
A heart full of memories, they will carry,
Their compassion should never end,
That's what it takes to be a good friend.

They'll be there if your mother dies,
They'll weep with you when you cry,
Their compassion should never end,
That's what it takes to be a good friend.

If a good friend you do find,
Make sure they treat you kind,
Understanding they shouldn't lack,
And they would never stab you in the back,
On top of everything always remember,
A best friend is forever

Life is a garden,
Good friends are the flowers
and time spent together
life's happiest hours...
And friendship like flowers,
blooms ever more fair...
when carefully tended by dear friends who care.

Friends from the start
you and I
what brought us together?
that very first day
Your laughter, your smile
Your willingness to share your feelings
The way you were so willing to listen
a true friend you've always been
A shoulder to cry on
lending support
It doesn't matter now
what brought us together
that very first day
All I care about is that you are my
Friend for Life!!

Promises I do not make everyday,
But to you, you have my word,
I will be there.
When your back is up against the wall,
And you need somewhere to turn,
I will be there.
When the world seems on your back,
And you want a little weight lifted,
I will be there.
When your days become darkened,
And you need someone to light the way,
I will be there.
When the pressures start getting to you,
And you want a tender touch,
I will be there.
When you appear to be outnumbered,
And all you need is a friend,
I will be there.
When you have succeeded in something special,
And you want someone to share it with,
I will be there.
Whenever you need or want someone,
And all you can do is hope,
I will be there.

Friends 2 | Friends 3


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