Lilaac’s Fall From Heaven

Bennett Lilaac, wealthy businessman and actor died today. A bullet ended his life in front of millions of his loyal fans. He had just gotten out of his limo, his wife followed, her arm in his, his life going seemingly perfect: he had millions of dollars, a fabulous supermodel for a wife and a huge house. His life had always been perfect. He had been perfect since high school, at least, everyone thought so now. He was now running a successful business, and was supplementing that by acting. Everyone looked up to him. He smiled with the intensity of the sun with his utterly perfect, fake, smile. It seemed to be the greatest day of his life, until he got a high velocity piercing. Shot dead, a hole appeared in one side of his head, blood ruined his hair stylist’s job, and he fell down.

It was determined that a hit-man had performed the vile deed. The bullet had apparently been fired from an unused upstairs room of a gym, the bullet had traveled through an office building’s windows and into Lilaac. Strangely, His wife, who it was rumored had been cheating on him and also to be abused, didn’t seem sad.

Before that.

Jeff looked like any normal person would as he walked into the gym carrying a heavy looking gymbag. He didn’t look any different from the other people glancing around the gym. His frequent scans of the area as he strode purposefully across the gym floor and into a door on the far side could be mistaken for him looking for a friend, checking out the equipment, or giving a look over the many fit ladies. No one would have suspected he was noting the exact location of everyone in the area, planning an escape route and an alibi.

He rushed up the stairs of the gym, into the locker rooms. He jimmied open a door and ducked inside. It was a big empty room. Right where the building schematics said it would be, there was a 2-foot by 2-foot opening outside for ventilation that would do fine .The metal shutters in the window would help to hide him. He unzipped his gymbag and pulled out a bizarrely shaped black sniper rifle. He screwed the barrel into the rifle, and clicked the high power scope into place. He unfolded the tripod eager to finish the job as fast as possible; he never liked to waste time doing this. He opened the shutters just enough so that he could get a good shot. He peered through the scope, through the windows of a empty office building, and centered on a big white limo. He exhaled, aimed the simple crossed lines on Bennett’s head as he paused. Bennet never paused when he was getting out of a car, and never waved to his fans. Jeff pulled the trigger.

Jeff was never caught. Everyone was shocked by how calmly Alexander Lilaac, heir to his fathers fortune, stepped from the limo after his dad was killed.

Before that.

"Just quit." Sarah pleaded to Jeff, who was off to the gym, but not to exercise. He had stopped by her house for a quick bite of food. Jeff was about to leave.

"I can’t, I have to finish the job"

She really did love Jeff but he was going to get in mucho trouble one day

"You can’t keep on Jeff, one of these days your going to slip up and one of us is going to get hurt, please Jeff, for me" She said, giving him her best sad puppy look. Jeff sighed.

"Yea…" He sighed, then planted a kiss on her cheek, "but not today, I’ll just do this to get all the debts paid off, then it’s just you and me" he smiled, and walked out the door. Sarah sighed and stared at her microwaved manicotti.

Jeff shook his head and gave her a hug as he headed out the door.

Before that.

Jeff though it was odd that millionaire Bennett Lilaac would give him a call. What perplexed Jeff more is what Benett said.

"Everyone loves me but they don’t love me, my temper causes me to beat my wife, who doesn’t love me, my son doesn’t love me. I don’t love me. Nothing I can buy can make me happy, money is worthless, I’m worthless, I don’t want to live anymore, I don’t believe in suicide. I want you to kill me as I am walking into a movie premiere, this is the only way money can make me happy."

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