The Official Northern Delaware Alumnae Chapter Blog!
Officers & Awards

Congratulations are in order for several sisters!

Congratulations to Jennifer-Louise Palermo (Corresponding Secretary), who was awarded the Sword of Honor.  Thank you, J-L, for all your hard work for the chapter!

Also, 4 out of our 8 officers were re-elected and installed today for their first official full term in office!  Congratulations to Noreen Slease (Vice President, Membership and Programs), Elizabeth Lockhart-Videtto (Vice President, Ritual), V. Nicole Gallagher (Editor/Historian), and Natalie Dize (Sergeant-At-Arms).

Also, please look for updates on the following pages: Pictures , Officers , Awards , Announcements



2007-05-06 03:51:40 GMT
Spirit of Harmony
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