DW: After several decades of determined hustling, you obtained a cult-fan base that has ballooned into national industry recognition.  I find it amazing and admirable, then, that you continue your musical crusade to win over the "little people", that is, the patrons of the smaller clubs in the smaller towns.  Is it important to you to maintain an intimate interaction with your fans and what is your ultimate goal, career-wise - a Grammy?

JK: I don't mind collecting new fans bit by bit.  I like to think that every new person I can get interested in my music is important, regardless of where they are coming from.  Sure - winning a Grammy would be great, but it would be easier if I could get some gigs lined up to play in the States.

DW: If you hadn't been in the running for the Juno award, which other Canadian blues artist would you like to see getting this award or at least a wider audience base?

JK: Well, there are quite a few of them, but I'd especially like to see David Rotundo or Carlos Del Junco get recognized.  Both of them have played with my band numerous times over the past few years.

DW: You have spent many years performing throughout the eastern side of Canada, Mexico, and in some parts of the States.  Do you have any plans for a West Coast invasion on either or both borders of the western seacoast?

JK: I have actually played out West a number of times already, right across Canada.  The U.S. would be nice, too.

DW: Do you have any particularly favourite (long-time or new) American blues artists?

JK: I like what Jimmie Vaughan is doing these days.  John Scofield, too, although he's more of a jazz artist.

DW: Are you a big fan of jazz music?

JK: Oh, for sure.

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