This is one of the oddest CDs I�ve ever listened to.  Whether it�s a deliberate technique on his part or not, Andr� Ethier occasionally conjures up visions of a loud, lurching, out-of-tune drunk jockeying a marble in his mouth while howling at the moon.  That remark sounds derogatory, I know, but it�s actually meant as a compliment, given that this vocal approach is perfectly suited to particular tracks.  Although my research pulled up quite a bit of ink on the much-lauded Deadly Snakes (Mr. Ethier�s previous kid-band) but no actual sound samples, it would seem, from reviews of their three released CDs, that Andr� has continued in a similar pattern of songwriting here.

Some of these foot-stompin�, honky-tonkin� saloon tunes are extremely derivative of early Bob Dylan and the Stones, with a little bit of Creedence Clearwater Revival (�Little Saddy�), Leon Russell (�Crazy May, Dirty Dave�), Tom Waits and even Billy Joel (�Last Line�) thrown in for good measure. Certainly, with influences like those, these original compositions merit appreciation for their own sake.  �Sinners� has a Parisian sound to it, which I�m guessing would originate from Mr. Ethier�s francophone roots.

Instrumentally, Andr� performs on acoustic guitar and ukelele, and his musical cohort, Christopher Sandes, is the consummate piano-man, also contributing on electric guitar and vocals.  �Pickles and Price� is one busy kick-ass rhythm section (bass and drums).

Musically raunchy and rollicking, this is music to drown the sorrows of a broken heart or just simply to appease the desire for old-fashioned campfire fun.  Frankly, it�s a hoot!
ANDRE ETHIER with Christopher Sandes
(featuring Pickles & Price)
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