Full Name: Joshua Carter Jackson

Role on Show: Pacey Witter

Birthday: 11th June, 1978

Birthplace: Vancouver, British Columbia

Currently Resides: Wilmington, North Carolina

Height: 6'0"

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Blue

College: Vancouver, British Columbia (Architect)

Siblings: One younger sister and two stepbrothers

Mother: Fiona

First Movie: Crooked Hearts

Movies: Crooked Hearts, The Mighty Ducks, Digger, Andre, D2: The Mighty Ducks, Magic In The Water, D3: The Mighty Ducks, Scream 2, Wind River, Cruel Inventions, Apt Pupil, Urban Legend

His Part on Dawson's Creek: Pacey Witter is fifteen and one big raging hormone. He is looked at as being the town goof and, even though the title deeply offends, only encourages it by constantly sticking his foot in his mouth. He is regarded as the family loser (his older brother is an officer of the law, his father is a "man's man") for not being a sports guy. He even spread rumours that he had an affair with his English teacher! How did he manage to top that story? He entered the "Miss Windjammer" competition by claiming discrimination. All in all, a very complex character. A poor soul who wants to be taken seriously, does not want to leave the security of being a screw-up behind.


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Born on the 11th June, 1978, Joshua Carter Jackson, or more commonly known as, Joshua Jackson, plays the role of joker Pacey Witter. With similarities with his character, Josh has also been known to be the prankster on the set. With a family of one younger sister and two stepbrothers, Jackson currently resides in Wilmington, North Carolina, situated in the United States of America. Since the good looking actor only grew up among his mother and sister, he feels that he is much more comfortable among women, just like his character, Pacey, is. Although his life and career currently are situated in Wilmington, North Carolina, to Josh he still calls Vancouver home.

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