YOU ASK JAMES VAN DER BEEK Smash Hits Magazine October 1999

The questions kept rolling in and we thought it was time to get them answered! With a sackful of reader questions, Smash Hits jetted over to Capeside and came face-to-face with the real Dawson Leery. Read on as James Van Der Beek answered all the questions you wanted to ask...

What has been your favourite episode of Dawson's Creek?
Lizzie Caruso, NSW

It would probably be Dawson's birthday in the second series. He gets drunk for the first time. It's his coming-of-age episode!

What do you think if Dawson's most attractive quality?
Fleur Hockley, NSW

I think he's very shy, very sweet, very insecure. He never says the right thing, poor guy.

Do you ever impatient with the way Dawson reacts to situations?
Abby Jarren, WA

Oh yeah, all the time! Sometimes I want him to actually do something rather than talk about it. I'm like, "Come on! Just do it, Dawson!"

How like their characters are the rest of the Dawson's Creek cast?
Tyler Stone, NZ

I don't really like to talk about the others while they're not here, but, if you ever met Michelle you would be so amazed at how different she is to Jen. Michelle is a real sweetheart.

Do you see the rest of the cast when you're not filming?
Michelle Douglas, Vic

Once in a while. But we're all pretty busy at the moment which is great.

What do you really want for Dawson and his future?
Felicity Thompson, NSW

I'd just like to track Dawson as he grows up, matures and finds himself in all sorts of situations/

Have you ever been in a Dawson/Joey- type relationship?
Meg Taylor, Qld

Yeah, I've had a best friend who was a girl and, minus the romantic interest, it was very like the Dawson and Joey friendship.

Dawson's had his heart broken - did you draw on real-life experience for that?
Kelly Walash, NSW

Sometimes you use real-life experiences as a reference point. When I come to a new part I prefer to use my imagination to work out how that person would act or whatever.

Are there any plans for a Dawson's Creek movie, and if so would you like to star in it?
Cynthia Burg, NT

No! Hahaha! I'll carry on doing the show, I think five is a good number of series to do. If one of the others wanted to leave before that I'd probably leave too. But I love doing movies, I'm doing a western at the moment. I play this guy who starts kind of brash and does some growing up - I'm very excited about it.

What was it like making Varsity Blues?
Jade Gere, Qld

Oh, God, it was a blast. All the cast had a great time. We're all still in touch, I was just talking to Paul (Walker, James's co-star) and he's so funny.

Do you have time for a girlfriend?
Elisa Smith, Qld

Yes, but I keep my private life private. Being in the spotlight has made relationships more difficult, you become a little cynical.

Is being famous ever scary?
Michael Parsons, Vic

It can be scary. I understand wanting to meet someone, but I don't understand people who are rude. When I was in Australia, these girls were shouting "James, we love you! We love you!" But I couldn't stop, because I was late. I was like, "Sorry, I've gotta go." Then they started yelling, "Go to hell!" How do you get from "I love you" to "go to hell" in the same breath?


Nicknames: Beek and Baby James
Born: March 8, 1977
Birthplace: Cheshire, Connecticut
Star sign: Pisces
Height: 6ft
Siblings: Jared, 19, and Juliana, 17
Films he's starred in: Angus, I Love You, I Love You Not, Harvest (unreleased), and Varsity Blues.
On Dawson: "I'm not that comfortable with the nice, clean-cut image. That's why I took Varsity Blues as my first big movie."
On his favourite babe: "I love Natalie Imbruglia, she's got great eyes."
On journalists: "All reports want to talk about is when Dawson will lose his virginity."
Fan Club: c/o WB, 4000 Warner Blvd, Burbank, CA 91522, USA

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