Majin Buu

Buu's Creator

This is the son of the creator of buu. His name is babidi. His father, bibidi, made buu millions of years ago, but Buu was to hard to control so he was sealed inside of a ball and sent to earth. Babidi found the ball on earth and released Buu an the world!!


Majin Buu�s transformations

Fat Buu

This is the first form of Buu that we see. Although it is not his true first form. When bibidi was still controling buu Buu looked like a little kid until he absorbed Dai Kaioshin. He inherited Dai Kaioshin's characteristics and became a fat nice looking monster.

Good Buu

This is the good Buu's form when all of the evil came out of him. He is pure good and is very nice to Satan. He became this way when terrorists killed his dog and his evil half came out because he was so pissed.

Evil Buu

This is Fat Buu�s evil half. This half is pure evil. It is much stronger than Fat Buu because it shows no mercy. It first defeats Fat Buu then turns him into chocolate and devoures him in one bite. the two fuse together and become Super Buu.

Super Buu

This form of Buu is now stronger than Evil Buu and Good Buu combined. He has an extremely large amount of power, but Buu does not stop there.

Super Buu + Gotenks + Piccolo

This form of Buu has now absorbed gotenks ssj3 and piccolo. He wears the fusion vest which he got from gotenks. He is also much smarter since he absorbed piccolo.

Super Buu + Goten + Trunks + Piccolo

This Buu is exactly the same as the last except a half hour is up and goten and trunks are now seperate people therfore this form of Buu is slightly weaker than the last form.

Super Buu + Goten + Trunks + Piccolo + Gohan

This is the most powerful form of Buu. He now has Gohan inside of his body. This makes him incredibly strong and almost undefeatable.

Pure Buu

This is the pure form of Buu. In this form he has not absorbed anyone and is the ultimate evil. he kills randomly without regret and acctually enjoys it so much that he kills all things that he can.


This is Buu, reincarnated into a good person. He has a huge hidden power, but cannot control it so he trains with Goku to learn how to use power. Uub and Goku become good friends.

Super Uub

This is the result of the fusion between Uub and Good Buu. When they fused Uub became much stronger and he also learned some of Buu's techniques like "become chocolate."