Moves only for Nameks

Hankokubikkurisho: It shoots a Ki blast forward using both hands and traps his victim in a shocking field of energy from which the opponent cannot escape.
Defeat Piccolo in Saiyan saga

Kakusanyudokodan: Fires many Ki bolts around the opponent, surrounding them, then controls the bolts so they all shoot toward their target.
Defeat Piccolo in Android saga

Kiai: This technique is used simply by yelling really loud which disperses weaker Ki attacks.
Requirements: none
Days to Learn: 3

Makankosappo: A penatrating blast shot from two fingers. It is actually two blasts, one going straight ahead and the other coiling around the first for drilling power. This attack drills through everything it hits, and eventually blows up when it hits something big enough.
Defeat Piccolo Saiyan saga

Makosen: It gathers Ki into both of your arms, then fires a blast from each one after the other.
Defeat Piccolo in Cell saga

Mystic Attack: Using the Namek ability to extend their arms, Nameks extends their arm at the enemy from a distance, thus surprising them.
Defeat Piccolo in Garlic Jr saga

Masenko: It powers up a blast over your head with both of yout hands, one palm behind the other, then you bring your hands down in front of you to fire the blast.
Defeat weak piccolo in fight

Growth: Increase body size and power
Defeat Piccolo DB in a fight
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