Revel Aztecs

Revel Atztec CiC Aztec Second in Command
These are some of Revel's Aztec figures, painted up by Mark Otley, as part of his 350AP DBM army. The command figures look great , and the blades look pretty cool themselves. Heaps of inferior bow, represented by both archer figures, and slingers.

Aztec Jaguar Knight General (Bd(I)) Of the games I've played against this army with my Romans, I've convincingly won one game (he couldn't deploy everyone, so a huge flank march turned up too late), and got pretty well trounced in the other (still got one of his commands, and was doing well on another!). I learned the hard way, bow just eat up cav for breakfast!
Aztec Jaguar Knights
Aztec Jaguar Knights (Bd(I))
Aztec Bows (O)
Aztec Bows (O)


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