Canterbury Miniatures Group.

  • What is it.?
    CMG is a New Zealand buyers collective for 1/72 plastic miniatures. ( For heretics, we also have access to some Kitsets, 15 & 20mm metals, and 54mm plastics. )

  • How does it work.?
    By combining our orders, we manage to get price discounts, and cheaper shipping costs. ( one supplier requires a minimum $300 order, but splits the shipping cost with us. ) The down side of this is, we have to wait till enough orders have accumulated.

  • Who is the Commissar General.?
    The group has 1 ( one. ) permanent member. He is the Commissar General.
    Contact him at [email protected]
    He collates the orders, deals with the suppliers, pays the bills, and distributes the figures to the members. He will pad out member orders with 'speculator' sets to achieve required minimums. He sets the group pricing to ensure that He doesn't lose too much money. He also owns all figures, until he has been paid by the ordering member. ( He therefore has several sets he doesn't really want, which He tries to sell on )
    Most importantly. He is a nice guy, who does this for fun. Be patient with him.

  • How do I join.?
    Super simple, Simon. :) Anyone who buys figures through the group, is a temporary member.

  • How do I leave the group.?
    Easy. You were only a temporary member, so you have already left. ( you can join again at any time, if the Commissar General lets you. )

  • What can we get, and what does it cost.?
    Ranges, and indicative price for the standard sets.
    ( ask about the others. )
    The Commissar general can change pricing & postage at any time.

    A Call to Arms$13
    Armies in Plastic$20

  • Postage within New Zealand for standard sized sets is $1 per set. Larger sets are $3 per set.
  • Maximum postage on any order within New Zealand, is $3

    Home (dbplastic)

    DBLCHM - Wargamming with 20mm plastic figures Yahoo! e-Group,
    Collecting, and Wargamming with 20mm plastic figures. A small, but hearty, group of enthusiasts
    thoroughly enjoying the current renaissance of 1/72 plastic historical figures.

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