And Now for Something Completely Different...

Home Made Ruins

Side On Head On


Ground Floor
Close Up of Front Wall

I recently visited Terra Genesis and the Hive Constructors Inc. (whilst checking out some of my links to see if they still worked), and became so inspired by the eye candy and explicit instructions held therein that I thought I'd give it a go.

And so here it is - this is my ruined building made from Foam Core board (picked up from work - we use it to mount photo's for exhibitions) for my science fiction figures (Marines and Gangers from Canterbury Minatures).

It took about three nights to pull together. First to plan, second to cut and third to assemble. The base is just corrogated cardboard. It warped a little once the floor was glued on, so I just bend back the corners so's it sat level. Now I've just got to cover the edges and inside of the building with watered down PVA and sand, spray paint it black and dry brush it shades of grey. Just one question - how do you drybrush something this big??!! Slowly, I imagine!

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