Bibliography Reviews Satan's Scroll I By Draconis Blackthorne The Oxford Annotated Bible Times are changing, & religious beliefs are being constantly modified, but here is something that you see about once or twice in a decade. The judeo-xian babble has always been curtialed, translated, & modernized, despite the final passage in the book of Revelations of not changing or excising any part of the fictional text. But as usual, this was an incremental process. In time, revised editions were published, as public attitudes changed, became more permissive, & more programmed. The Apocrypha, or, the deleted chapters in the babble, became so, when first the Dewey, then the King James versions were publicised. The Dewy version was conveniently modified to suit the dogma of the catholic religion. Even studious priests knew onlt vague references of these "forbidden books", which relate the nazarene's childhood, & travels abroad, both of which resulted in rather unchristianly behaviour. The church could not risk any blemishes on their "saviour's" precious reputation! To have them released would promore congregation fall-out & free-thinking-----they couldn't have that! The King James babble became sanctioned by the royal seal of approval, but it was really the sneaky bastards of the clergy who controlled the government. And more was modified by translators & scribes under his majesty's orders. As snip here, a clip there, an inference installed, a small semi-noticable addition made, whatever suited the rulers at the time. The babble, & religion, was as influential then, as the letharginator {TV} is now. The latest version come is The Oxford Annotated Bible. Sounds impressive. The name of a prestegious educational institution on the cover....."gee, they MUST be right!" What makes this version particularly notable, is its placating of "political correctness". This is The Politically Correct Bible. Granted, all have been so, as they were invented to regulate man's behaviour, but never has there been such a blatantly conformist version such as this. For instance, the xian wimps' treasured 'lord's prayer' itself, has been changed to suit the femasculists. Now, it's "our father-mother, who art in heaven"! It sounds like a weakan scheme to intigrate their blindlight idiotology, with xian foolosophy! A possible new-age take-over? Not likely. References to "darkness" have been changed, as to not offend the "fine sensibilities" of racists who think that everything is a pigmentation issue. Inferences to the story about jews killing jesus are carefully dissected & excised. They are re-writing mythistory here. The other babbles will become obsolete, & future generations will be brainwashed with this version instead. Consider this.....A xoid who still preaches & reads out of the older babbles being called 'a nut' by his own kind. Being accused of fabricating translations, & trying to bring an incorrect, arcane text into a mytheological discussion. "That's the OLD bible, WE only read out of the NEW one's got a better translation." What they are REALLY thinking, if they had a shred of honesty to admit it, is "...this new translation is a lot better, I don't have to work at being so 'good' so hard". This is not a "better translation", but a modified agenda disguised as such. Somebody decided to push some issues & gain credibility. What better way than through the holey scriptures to justify a cause? Such as the wider acceptance of women into the blindlight priesthood? And in the reverandship? By & large, The Oxford Annotated Bible is a fell-good, please-everybody book of ubiquitus fairy-tales. The babble is now even MORE of a joke, as it now, more than ever, reads like a federal document, a liberal bill, rather than a stupornatural arcanum. Will it get passed? Probably. The braying nincompoops will follow. They care more for what everynone ELSE is doing, & copy it, rather than investigating The Torah, the New Testament, The Dead Sea Scrolls, & other blindlight babbles for that matter. 666 By Jay Anson First he brought us The Amityville Horror, now we are treated to 666. A new level of horror, courtesy of Jay Anson. This one is about a possessed house also, although more prevalently satanistic. A house appears out of nowhere, strange lights in the middle of the night, a morbid history, a mysterious owner-----all the makings of a classic monsterpiece. The house, a dominant mass, effects the environment wickedly, causing a disruption in the seeet little relationship of a suburban couple-----hellish yuppie-lust at 666 Sunset Brooke Lane. The house seems to live & breath, planning sadictic tortures for the unsuspecting mortals. The infectuous insanity culminates, as the dark prophesy in the hexagonal room comes true. The horror lives on. "Evil" can never be destroyed, only redirected. It always comes back......... THE INFERNO By Dante Alighieri {Translation by John Ciardi} "Abandon Hope All Ye Who Enter Here" reads an inscription above Hell's Gate. May be true for xians, but horror-loving Satanists will find this literature most stimulating, with the graphic descriptions of mutilated souls, perverse debaucheries, morbid environments, & imaginative demonic monsters. Many great great suggestions for the torture chambre as well! Throughout the Gothic & Renaissance perionds, daemons of the Imagination creeped forth from the shadows of The Darkside of the mind like never before, thus producing some of the most compelling & attractive monsterpieces the world had ever had the misfortune or fortune to see, hear, & read. It was this written work that really ingrained the standards for the popular depictions of Hades, as well as paintings by artists like Jon Von Eyck, Heironymous Bosch, Peter Breughel, & Albrecht Durer. In the musickal genre, Bach, Wagner, Beethoven, Mozart, Tchaikovsky, & Chopin, to name but a few, were realeasing tempestuous, monolithic, & eerie symphonies into the ether, which are now universally employed to set an eerie embiance. In THE INFERNO, Dante Alighieri, an Italian poet, meets with a mysterious & etheric host named Virgil, who takes him down to witness the terrors of The Great Abyss, so it may be recorded, & that mankind may wish not to go there. Heavy-duty guilt-trip. Throughout the sick, gnarled, blood-soaked, & freezing crevasses of Dante's brain, there are brief, but memorable encounters with the damned souls. There are seven {sic} circles in the first section of Hell, each populated by a different class of "sinners". On the way, we take a ride upon the back of a winged beast named Geryon, around a waterfall {nice to know there's water in Hell!}. The Ninth {of course} Circle is where Satan Himself is entrenched in the frozen lake Cocytus. The only escape from this abode of lost souls is by climbing down the devil's leg hairs {that's got to hurt}, which then leads to Purgatory. Obviously, this work was written at the height of the catholic church's oppression. There have been rumours, that Dante was secretly commissioned by church papacy to write the book, to better gain control of the peasants, who were taken to revolting quite often. Dante, being a starving poet at the time, could not refuse the offer. Cleverly, Dante was at first reviled by the church, & threatened with ex-communication, but was vindicated when he demonstrated his loyalty to the church by writing 'El Paradiso', which deals with Dante's journeys in the wonderful mystical world of Heavenland. This clever technique has been used over & over again to enslave minds, turning the unwary catholic & xian zombies, who blindly give their rations away to church & state {which at the time, were one in the same}. By first guilt manipulating someone into fear, you render them vulnerable, & they seek salvation wherever they can get it. Conveniently, 'El Purgatorio' & 'El Paradiso' were published not too far apart from The Inferno, attaining an essential balance, that their distribution may keep the populace in line. Needless to say, these three opuses caused the simpletons to flock back to church in record numbers. The pope became very fat, very fast. What I found most interesting about this abysmal field-trip, is that Dante's Hell is icey cold, instead of the typical scorching. That in itself makes it all less threatening. Dante's Inferno is one of the most colorful books I have ever read. It is filled with such wonderfully elaborate words that manifest magnificently morbid spectacles of diabolic delight. Use your own filtration wisdom as far as any foolosophy is concerned. DIALOGUES WITH THE DEVIL Taylor Caldwell The Imagination put into this work is truly commendable. Here, we have the correspondance between the angelic brothers Lucifer, Michael, & Gabriel. Lucifer having all the wit, indignation, & charm, of course, while his brothers ramble on in their delusional haze about padre jehovah, themselves being mere clones, parroting off his words. Whereas Lucifer has developed into His own entity, expressing His disgust fot the rotten inhabitants of Terra, always acting as prosecutor, in order to weed out the worthless amongst them. Lucifer holds His own opinions, devoid of sanctimonious hogwash, or a nebulous, unconditional "love" for the self-destructive creatures that infest the planet. Obviously, this book is a spin-off of judeo-xian lore, but that can be easily overlooked for the literary brilliance Caldwell presents. Most all of this Lucifer's letters are truly Satanic, except this particular character seeks to annihilate Terra altogether. Thus, throwing out the baby with the bathwater. Dialogues With The Devil is extremely entertaining, & Satanists will be able to relate to the majority of Lucifer's misanthropic diatribes. I found it to be quite inspiring at times, while contemplating the rebellious & Individualistic spirit of the Rebel King of Hell. One most notable annoyance I experienced, was the typically xian depiction of the tormented souls of the "damned" in this Underworld. Here, Hell is made to be a true dimension of torture, as the inhabitants have lost the power of creation, of originality, & all acts become redundant, while heaven is represented as a wonderful paradise of creative thought. The catch, however, is that all is done to please the hypocritical, lethargic, & narcissistic jehovah. Ego takes a back seat. Beside this stuporstitious annoyance, the generative whole is definitely with the reading. Dialogues With The Devil is underrated, classic literature, that I suspect is too disturbing for the masses to digest. Thus, its occult nature. SATANIC SEX Arlene J. Fitzgerald Here's a documentary book that progresse from one interesting, entertaining, & informative real-case story to the next. This was one of those rare finds that certain dark forces placed in My path. The cover is superlative ----- a green Baphomet with red glowing eyes on black background, with the dubious & tittilating title above it. Within, there are chapters on Witchcraft, Charms & Talismans, Spiritualism, Reincarnation, Astrology, Numerology, Fortune-Telling, & Dreams ----- all of which is quite fascinating, & very Draconian. I found Myself reading incessantly at every opportunity. The chapter on Witchcraft is most compelling, as it recounts the supernatural occurances in several people's lives, as they become involved with The Occult. The authoress takes a decidedly Satanic slant on the subject matter on each chapter, so much so sometimes, I wonder if she realizes she is a Satanist. If & when you find this satanical text, it will definitely be worth far more the meager price you will pay for it. The best bet is to stalk SATANIC SEX at independantly owned bookstores, or try Amazon Books online, since it has been out of print for some time. THE NECROMANTIC RITUAL BOOK Leilah Wendell If you are into Necromancy, & seek the fellowship of those on the other side of the grave, this arcanum will connect you. The whole necrotext is lavishly decorated & illustrated, adding an extra sense of morbid pleasure while reading. The rituals found therein are grimly arcane, instructing in effective methods of not only communicating, but summoning shades, & even Death itself! To walk with Azrael, the Angel of Death, can be an edifying, enriching experience. One will learn to connect with the Death-Force, & also to sculpt a creation, & bring it to life. Just holding this book, one can feel the black essence resonating from its presence. THE NECROMANTIC RITUAL BOOK is a bible for the profoundly gothic, who takes one's orientation seriously. Do you think you are familiar with death & melancholy? We'll see just how brave you are in the very presence of The Grim Reaper itself. Most will not possess the fortitude to even transgress the preliminaries. If you think you do, & are confident enough to become Death's Empath, then the House of Death refuses none. Write to: WESTGATE PRESS 5219 Magazine Street New Orleans, LA, 70115 U.S.A. Candlemas Eve Jeffrey Sackett Heavy Metal meets old English lymricks. This story is about a morbid Metal band called "Witch's Sabbath", reminiscient of Ozzy Osbourne's Black Sabbath, who hook tails with a couple of reincarnated witches, who take the music unto eclectic soaring heights. The character of Gwendalyn Jenkins is really admirable, in all her cruel, ruthless splendour. She loves Simon Proctor {an Ozzy-esque character}, who greatly reminds her of his ancestor, who was burned at the stake for being an Warlock, along with the two main witches, brought back to the earth by Satan, from Hell. She struck a deal to regain her long lost love, & now she finds her opportunity. & nothing will stop her from regaining what is hers! A news reporter greatly described like Ol' Broken Nose geraldo rivera, makes a cameo appearance, although the name herein is Percy Campbell. CANDLEMAS EVE is filled with plenty of lust, Magic, vengence, & dark humour. There are many situations Satanists will be able to relate to. Mr. Sackett was wise to include the disclamor in the author's note. There are no authentic Satanic rituals in the whole book, but there are some interesting ideas, that you may want to incorperate in your own practices. CANDLEMAS EVE is basically designed to terrify the normals. I imagine it is quite effective. Overall, CANDLEMAS EVE is very entertaining, & inspirational at times. One interesting & exciting situation to the next. Never a dull moment. SATANICON: BOOK OF EVIL by Adrian Clavex Very interesting. Written by a true Satanist. Loaded with blasphemies & misanthropic indignation. Here we are introduced to the Werwolf God, Devauxus Librt, symbol of the animal within. His symbol is a wolf's head within a pentagram, super-imposed upon a parallelagram. Its purpose is to open the dimensions within the dark mind. There are some very interesting Magical procedures therein, which hint at traditional Black Magic, inasfar as general arrangements & positionings of the Pentagonia, & Devauxus Librt. Here we find necromantic rites to summon a shade, & most interestingly, a rite of death-----or shall we say, suicide. But is does keep with Satanic philosophy, in that this rite would only be performed when there is truly no other merciful option available. Although yet another option that is rarely discussed, is that of self-healing. Instead of jusr departing, why not employ moraculous Magic? If xians are able to perform such feats, albeit temporarily, anyway, then how much MORE a Satanist! Certainly, with the insatiable Satanic desire to evilive, the neccessary energies needed to restore fulness & quality of living can be conjured forth! Lest The Compassion Ritual from THE SATANIC BIBLE be forgotten. In all, it shall be reiterated again, this text is-----interesting. There is added another Prince of Hell, Beelzebub {I'm sure he is pleased at the promotion!}. THE SATANICON seems to be a synthesis of LaVeyan & more mystical terminology & philosophy. It is quite stimulating in its psychodrama. NECRONOMICON To look at it sitting there on the bookshelf, it doesn't seem part of the others, & it beckons.........there's a mysterious draw towards it, as if a force was pulling one unto it. Then there id the cover-----a silver pentagrammical design sets one to be taken into its complexities. An ominous warning on the first page forbodes of the dangers of tinkering with the incantations. A sense of wonder pervaids, as the page is turned into this world of madness & sorcery......... It is said that Simon, the editor, underwent mant hardships & unexplained phenomina as he attempted to bring the book's knowlsedge to the surface. At least two people before him perished in the same persuit. Indeed, the book warns not to reveal the ancient wisdom within to the profane-----that it, those who would corrupt its powers. To do so would bring curses upon the perpetrator. No-one has heard from Simon since......... Another thing, is the way the cover is presented. It simply says "Necronomicon". Like a name given to a LIVING thing, not just a book......... After one STUDIES the first 56 pages, which gives the history of some of the legendry relative to the book, & some interesting facts about Magical lore. The book, like a doorway into a mystical world, goes from the language of the mind, to the dark recesses of the soul. The Mad Arab Abdul Alhazred introduces you to the Magical history, as well as sharing some of his experiences upon his tread upon the path of the Magi. Then, it is into the heart of Necronomicon. Words swirl into the mind like vertigo, echoings of incantations resounding across hidden chambers long forgotten......... If & when you understand all the Magical rules, Power & Wisdom await. If not, be warned, do not be hasty. For to delve into Necronomicon's Magic without proper comprehension will be the biggest mistake you will ever make. Just think. If only having the book's presence around inspires dread & mystery, just imagine what it would be like if the Lurkers who await beyond the portal are let loose by some moron's stupidity & presumptuousness......... Naturally, I was automatically attracted to The Urilia Text, & have since acquired many useful suggestions therefrom, for My own practice of Satanic Magic. The black blood of the race of the Dragon flows in these veins. Before you endeavour to practice from this Black Book, assure thyself as part of the daemon races. Are you.........????? VAMPIRES AMONG US By Rosemary Ellen Guiley A well compiled piece of work that sheds ample candlelight on the various interpretations of the Vampire. From pre-xian times {those were the nights!}, through the reformation {brainwashing}, & unto contemporary life. You will meet blood-fetishists {unfortunately, those interviewed herein are not particularly 'bright'}, Vampirologists, & some "victims" who claim intimate relations with various Nosferatu & Strigoi. The two interviewed in Chapter 2 should be ashamed of themselves. In general, all the stories herein are quite fascinating & entertaining. We have three girls who decided to use a Ouija Board, & ended up attracting Vampiric Daemonic entities; several Vampire organizations & their esteemed founders; tales of psychic & dream vampires {Why wasn't LaVey's definition of a Psychic Vampire mentioned?-----He only COINED the term!} The closest absolute beings that exist to a true Vampire, are Vampiric Magicians, who attain most all, & sometimes even more of the abilities of the traditional Vampire. The only mention of Vampiric Sorcery was in chapter 8, where it is related of the etheric battles between MacGregor Mathers & Aleister Crowley, the victor, who was the latter. Very compelling was the synopsis on The Highgate Vampire in Chapter 5. And the urban legend of Robin Hood, of all characters, was actually believed to have become a vampire after death, through Magical intervention. Chapter 6 recounts some fascinating stories of vampiric manifestations. The book ends with the adventure of Vincent Hillyer, who spent a night in the infamous Castle Dracula, originally known as 'Poenari' by Prince Vlad Himself. Hillyer currenly holds out a $10,000 reward for anyone providing evidence of the vampire's existence. A chapter that could have been included, would have been one on the Gothic scene, which is resurrecting finally, from out of the confines of trendiness somewhat, & re-purifying once more, because of all the new blood pouring in. It is once again becoming more stimulating, after its decline in the past few years. There are better bands & people beginning to emerge. Interestingly, more people who consider themselves 'vampires', are beginning to realize the Satanic roots thereof, although you would not find that in 'Vampires Among Us', as most herein attempt to disassociate Vampirism from Satanism, or, more appropritely, 'devil-worship'. "Damien" in Chapter 2 only has half a clue. We indeed ARE the Children of Satan, but We are NOT subject to the influences of xian deities whatsoever. We are our OWN totality. Neither are We weakened by folkloric limitations, or anti-vampiric devices such as garlic, crosses, or even sunlight. Although they CAN & frequently are ANNOYING. There are many different types of vampires, but the Omnipotent Vampire is neglected literary space herein. Crowley & Mathers are the closest depictions in the book. In all, Vampires Among Us is a good book, that unfortunately is not as thurough as other books on the subject have been, such as 'American Vampires' by Norine Dresser, which is highly recommended as a research piece. But still, 'Vampires Among Us' is worth the extra wrinkles in your brain. But without LaVey's literature, & the explorations into the burgeoning underground vampiric Gothic scene, it is incomplete. There are some great contact addresses, but gain, not as thurough as 'American Vampires', which contains a plethora of contacts. As to both, I will add one address that is worth writing to: THE TEMPLE OF THE VAMPIRE Box 3582 Lacey, WA 98503 Now there's an organization that goes BEYOND research, but includes religious practices. Indeed, it is the Vampire Religion, & even has a Vampire Bible availalbe. TOV also adheres to the philosophies of THE SATANIC BIBLE by Dr. Anton LaVey. Finally, keeping in mind the rise of vampire fans' criminal conduct these days, & the confusion of many Darklings in the Gothic genre {i.e., those who dress in Vampiric/Satanic aesthetic, practice blood-fetishism, S&M, D&s, but would hypocritically consider themselves weakans, or even catholic, & sometimes even xian}, a Vampire Religion is now direly needed, to give directive, that would promote study, & responsibility. So One may truly evolve into that Vampyric Archetype completely.