PROCLAMATION OF DOOM By Draconis Blackthorne At the Kingdom of Hell, SATAN gazes at humanity-----His eyes glaring, staring, thoughts of supreme wickedness resounding throughout His head. SATAN looks down upon the blindlight cowards with disdain & contempt------His tongue craving the taste of their sweet blood. He knows they will all die soon, like the rabod vermin they are, in a colossal massacre, where the valleys of the Black Earth will be filled with their disease-infested blood. They shall all be His, He will feast upon their blood & "Holy Spirits"----- for them there is no hope, no saviour to lead them into a "promised land" of milk & honey. For them, there is only Death & Pestilence forever more......... SATAN looks favourably upon His followers-----The Ones who "worship" Him in Themselves, study His Black Arts & Sciences, & employ the Black Magick. The Ones who dedicate their ceremonies, rituals, & pleasures to His infernal Name. It is They who shall rule the Earth-----The Strong, The Mighty, The SATANISTS. All others shall be trodden under cloven hooves. The swords of the SATANISTS will fall heavy upon the necks of the "holy", the "pure", the "humble", the "sanctified", the "God"-lovers. Their own god has betrayed them, the monsterous sham has been completed. Millions will suffer & die----- to "God", all of his "children" re nothing more than heaps of excriment, not worth half a penney. The SATANISTS, the true Magi, shall look down from their Hellish thrones of Victory, & laugh with sardonic wrath at the multitudes of fools who have been abandoned by their "loving", "caring", "merciful", "God". All the god-believers will become the slaves of their new Masters. Since they are slaves, then kryst is the king of the slaves, & shall be treated accordingly -----the shackles are tight upon the wrists of the bearded eunich, who long ago preached indiscriminate "love" & "care". His own father has forsaken him -----where is he now, but in the hands of his Arch-Nemesis, SATAN, Lord of the Fire, who sharpens the black double-edged deathsword of execution. kryst's destiny awaits him in the cold steel which will behead him in front of all his followers-----all who have done "good" in his name. All their deeds of generations past will amount to absolutely nothing-----not even a slight thought. SATAN sits upon the Throne of the Gods. He raises His blood-sprayed sword & proclaims Himself the new ruler of the Cosmos. The Royal Crown of "Heaven" is trampled upon by all manner of hoof & foot. His chief daemons & all His Children of Darkness praise Him, as a monumental banquet is prepared for the great victory of the new Monarch-----The unconquorable King of Heaven, Hell, Earth, & The Universe! A banner flutters in the distance with the Sigil Of Baphomet proudly enscribed thereon, with Words of Fire written: "Behold! Mighty SATAN, The King & Lord of All the Universe, He who hath conquored jehovah-yahweh, & banished the blinding light of fools into the dismal void of night, never to be seen again! SHEMHAMFORASH! HAIL SATAN! LUCIFERI EXCELSI! DIABOLUS SUPREMUS! SO IT IS & EVER SHALL BE!" A new World is then formed in the names of SATAN, LUCIFER, BELIAL, & LEVIATHAN. A Black Earth with perfect creatures that will revel in The Dark Lord's ecstacy forever more. Creatures that will take pleasure in performing all of the so-called "sinful" indulgences of man. SATAN smiles. He is happy at all he has accomplished. Take heed all ye who read these "God"-forsaken blasphemies. If ye be a blindlight believer, prepare to suffer & serve-----if ye be a SATANIST, prepare to rule over the sons & daughters of other Gods. For they shall eat the crumbs which fall from your table. SATAN spits on the children of the "holy" light. If you be one, SATAN watches you from the shadows, He dwells within your dark thoughts & nightmares. SATAN watches you at this very moment-----your every move, thought, & action are seen by Him from the Pit of Hell. The fiery Abyss is ready to open up for you --------- BEWARE. In Satan's Name, DRACONIS BLACKTHORNE XXXII Anno Satanas {c}Copyright Draconis Blackthorne XXXII Anno Satanas / 1997 {666} c.e. All Rights Reserved.