When I Saw A Nun By Draconis Blackthorne When I saw a nun the other day, the first thing that came to mind was, "what a waste." And "What an ingrate. I just don't understand nuns. It must be some sort of masochism through abstinance. Perhaps it is some sort of sick, twisted indulgence. Yet they themselves may be completely oblivious to it. If it's a young nun, My fangs ache, My eyes glow red, & My claws extend. I don't need to mention what I'd like to do to her! If it's an old nun, I just feel pity. They are a pathetic sight. Damn ingrates! To lay waste what Satan has graced them with for a god-damned father-fixation! ...And a virtual "boyfriend" in Jesus. They should have never been born. They look like walking abortions to Me. But if there is but one thing to say for them, at least they won't breed. Ironically, & unfortunately enough, however, because their children may be far more worthy of the gift of life than the disgusting lot I see around & below Me. If anyone should not breed, it's THEM! Nuns would probably have quite healthy & naturally intelligent offspring, because of their own self-preservation of genes, although the Alexithymia would most likely be propagated in that household. When I saw that nun, what came to mind was the perfect description: An old maid with a goodguy badge on. Respected for being willfully barren for life? Absurd! I Am reminded of a cartoon strip I saw, where nuns were putting away their vaginas in lock-boxes to be entombed behind white-marbled walls. I can respect someone for not wanting to breed for practical purposes, but NOT for some pipe-dream! There was a time when I was filled with hatred & rage, in the rebellion stage, when I would have fantasized torturing & mutilating them. Now, through the process of evolution, I Am filled with pity, & a bit of disgust. Imagine! To deny the prime Satanic Sacrament of sex! It's just so sick. Alexithymic. Mentally diseased. Such vitality wasted on purely illusory fantasies. Sad. Any sensual woman should be glad that she is not her. Priests, on the same hand, are even worse. These are real wimps who are so intimidated by women, that they must cast them into subserviant positions, to control, or regulate them, thus themselves. Where they place themselves upon ivory pedistals, to gain a sense of pseudo-superiority; and thus has been the tradition of the blindlighters for centuries. They are threatened by the inherant so-called "evil" of the female form. Obviously, this is not meant as a criticism to realized subservient women, who are My joy. Those I Am referring to here are those blindlighters who are unrealized, & believe their own B.S. They can't just flow with Nature, inner & outer ---- let it be & appreciate it all for what it is. No, they have to go & try to 'conquor' it, to 'change' it, to CORRUPT it. To transform it into what they are. Sick, Deranged. Alien to this world. In fact, their "alexithymicon" blindlight scripture states that in so many words; being "not of this world", & so forth. xian phone home? xian go to "hell", xian go to "heaven", whatever. Just get off My beautiful earth, or shut up & mind your own business. You're living on borrowed time.