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The Moses Prognosis
Draconis Blackthorne

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This article explains the psychology & motivations behind one who gave up the comfortable luxuries of life to persue a miserable pipe-dream "existance" of misdirected masochism. Moses the wretch, who, unlike his brethren Job, actually CHOSE a "life" of suffering & perdition. Let us probe into the mind of this petty & bitter man. We begin with infancy. The poor child was born into povert & slavery, but had the fortune to be sent down the river & into the loving arms of an Egyptian Princess, whose infertility was recognized by her Gods, & was mercilfully given this healthy infant. Certainly, this precious little one can amount to something greater in this improved environment, rather than in the dirty mudpits, where only germs, ignorance, & stagnancy fester. He was given a marvellous education, under the tutelage of Egyptian schoolmasters. He was bred as a fine & noble prince - strong & intelligent.

But then, it happened. He went to visit the gaping wound from whence he issued, & then the prey which layed dormant within him was released, like pus from a boil. Suddenly, all his training was thrown out the window for its true purpose - which was to be the future ruler of Egypt.

From then on, he began to bite the hands that made him. Speaking on the behalf of slaves & servants, whose place was set, & the stratification harmony flowed. Bit by bit, he stirred & magnified resentmentin the peasantry. He became increasingly confused & torn between the two cultures. Until one day, his twisted nonsense led him to murder one of his truly own - a fellow Egyptian who was disciplining an awnry slave.

At the time, he was truly Egyptian, because he was fashioned in Pharaoh's image. As a babe, one is clay to be molded. Later, one becomes the mold of his own choosing. So the whole business of him being originally Jewish is pure hogwash, for he did not develop as such. For if he had, he would have remained in the mudpits his whole life. One is a product of one's environment. What Moses committed was TREASON. Not only did he kill his fellow man, but also, his mold was shattered on that unfortunaate day, when he opted for slaves over masters. So he was banished into the desert, justifyably mocked & reviled.

The criminal Moses got off easy for betraying Pharaoh's Love - to search for a fantasy. How was Pharoah to have known he had raised an ingrate?

The scorchng limbo of the desert does play tricks upon the eyes, & can change brain chemistry. Being famished & weakened can contribute to hallucinations, & possible, eventual insanity. And this is precisely what happened.

He was subsequently found, sunburned, dazed, disoriented, & near death, & was taken in amongst shepherds & farmers. So he socialized with those that were less than he. Naturally, his odd stories & Egyptian skillsearned him easy respect amongst the simpleton bumpkins.

From then on, they listened, like sheep, intently to anything his sunbaked brain could dream up, along with his trademark elaborate fabrications on the truth. They took to believing that his hallucinations were genuine, & a cult situation rapidly developed. Eventually, he took to writing five highly embellished scrolls, where he essentially rants & raves, & critiques, using mystic metaphores, which tend to make the simple-minded believe tham as literal, against anything that is conventionally Egyptian. Thus, in his & his follower's minds, Egyptian Gods became devils, & their Pagan customs, evil.

Somewhere along the line, Moses fully realized all that he had lost because of his ignorant decisions, & thus decided to deal with his deep regrets in faerie-tale form, in order to derive a sense of vicarious "vengeance" through his "almighty god". Since he & his associates where too weak & insufficient to do anything real & practical, as that was beyond their abilities, they took to deluding themselves, & doing that which all of the pathetic meek eventually do - escape into a dreamworld.

This way, enen though they are still oppressed, they can fictitiously console themselves into thinking that there will eventually be a great saviour to deliver them from their many woes, instead to taking their own initiative & responsibilities for themselves.

So Moses spent the rest of his sad life weaving stories, & creating a mythology which would one day be considered a theology, until the mighty-minded reveal the absurdity, & it all becomes mythology again.

Even so, because of Moses' training in the Egyptian arts & philosophies, there are some interesting mythaphores, & even little gems of Magical truth here & there in his Torah, which also coincides with Qabbalistic texts. Which only goes to exemplify, for all those xoid elitist extremists, that the Forces of the Universe work their truths throughout all cultures, in this case, Egyptian, & do not limit themselves to one in particular, such as that of Jewish origin.

Hypothetically, for the sake of arguement, suppose some of the alleged "miracles" he is accredited for somehow transpired. Who is to say that they were actually of a metaphysical origin? For instance:

Moses changing the staff into a snake:
This is a well known trick amongst the peasants & snake-charmers even unto this day. A serpent is routinely taken up, then wrapped around a stick, which renders them immobile. much like the chicken who will not move when you draw a line of chalk before their eyes --- they actually think they are pinned to the ground! When the serpent is unwound from around the stave, it resumes its normal biological functions. So Moses went up to the Pharaoh's temple to challenge the resident Magicians with this common trick. So what?

Analysis of estwhile "plagues":
Ultimately, these were caused by natural seasonal changes in the environment.

A. The River turning to "blood"
The algae & salt content of the water caused the coloration, both of which routinely cause the water to change to several hues, including blue, green, & magenta.
B. The locusts
As the algae accumulated, & with the combination of the salt content, locusts multiply / congregate to feed.
C. The Frogs
These amphibians in turn arrived to feed upon the locusts, & to breed. Again, another result of natural processes, & evolutionary development.
D. Death of son
Low birthrate caused by diseases, which was not at all uncommon in that era.
Contingient upon all of this, Moses, the absolute opportunist, took advantage of folktales & natural conditions, & blanketed them in stuporstition. Nothing more. Elaborations by a scribe who stood to benefit from these fables. And he did. Religions are based upon his deceits. Clever & manipulative.

For all of the pathetic, infantile name-calling, & obvious mean-spirited vicariousness, Moses ends up praising Egypt far more than he does condemning it. Because, the very fact that he can produce such wonderous tales of pillars of fire, parting seas, & miraculous plagues, most of which is copied & renamed anyway, is the ultimate testament for the superiority of such divine Pagan civilizations, which have done more FOR the advancement of mankind, than his books of deceit ever will.


In Nomine Satanas.
Draconis Blackthorne.
Antichrist 666.

{c}Copyright Draconis Blackthorne XXXII - XXXV Anno Satanas. All Rights Reserved.

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