Philosophy / Religion / Sociology MAGICAL MEDIA By Draconis Blackthorne "The end times are here! The end times are here!" ".....and there shall be 'doctrines of demons'....." Oh, I can hear them now, xians everywhere caterwauling such paranoid cant in their last desperate efforts to revive their dying religion. Gotta' take as many as they can into their fetid heavely hell before their doomsday materializes. A paradise of misdirected masochists to be sodomized by their loving messiah for all eternity. All over the Letharginator, & the media in general, Satanic aesthetics pervaid throughout the ethers, in their weakanized, perverse forms, seemingly holy-watered down to make it more palatable to the herd. It's nothing but xianity re-packaged to appeal to pop-cult-ure, & the assorted black sheep. "Good witches" who would never hurt anyone! "We're not Satanists!" Of course not. We would not have such yellow-bellied rejects in Our ranks anyway, despite what xians may claim. No, instead of attaining the wisdom to utilize the fears of the herds & flocks for their benefit, as true Children of Darkness naturally do, they attempt, & are indeed succeeding, to worm their way into public "acceptance". The new set of freaks to gawk at. Why bother? Do they still fear they will be burned at the stake? When no "witches" were ever burned in history? Tortured, certainly, but never actually burned. Do they fear "discrimination"? Acceptability by the masses is not only Solipsism, but kills the stimulating mystery, & therefore, Power. They, like their effeminized males {for I will not misuse the term, "men"}, strive for impotence at every turn. It would be better for them to pay for a good healthy Domanatrix session, & feel empowerment in the realization of their submissiveness. Just more of the same blindlight restrictive, abstinant sin-mongering garbage. They have formulated "sex rituals", yet the impulsive natural urges have been perverted into a blindlight, self-righteous, self-deluded, & hypocritical compulsion, & often-times, "impure" in its intent! Sure, if I was asked to attend a "skyclad" ceremony, in which I had the opportunity to be surrounded by attractive young ladies, then HELL, YES! I'll be there! Call Me Pan, Cernunnos, whatever! So long as My lusts & prurient interests are fulfilled. The beauty of The Art of Deception becomes more resinant every day. More & more people, or more aptly put, "sheeple", are turning to weaka, where jesus has "'cross'-dressed" to suit their slavish needs. jesus with a strap-on? Stratification is evident in this transition. Like the herd switching to another brand of feed, which they digest, & defecate as rhetoric, recycled foolosophies, & only end up stinking up the place in the end. And who feeds them? They sponge off of the Primal Pagans & Satanists. Then have the audacity to "bite the hands that feed them". Sure, I can understand an aversion towards devil-worshippers, as Satanists do as well, but they, like their xian counterparts, commit the "sin" of generalization. weakers seem to believe they hold the corner market on the word "witch", which means wise. This is just blind tradition-----unquestioned habit. Anyone who is wise in the occult crafts, & utilizes their talents, glamour, & skills to the highest degree to get what they want, can be qualified to be called a "witch". The problem is, that weakans believe in the xian drivel about the steroetypical "Devil-worshipper" types who hack up animals, allegedly sacrifice virgins, & eat babies. Another age-old fable. Those lie-mongerering xian fore-fathers, really did a con-job on the simple-minded. What they have to realize is, there is a vast difference between the cults, that is to say, criminals masquerading as religionists, & the official, fully recognized, legal, positive religion of Satanism. Then again, maybe not. Perhaps it is better for them to remain in ignorance, that they remain paranoid, & thus, through their ignorance & fear, provide Satanists with power. Either way, we win. "xian satanism" is just blasphemy & sacriledge, catering primarily to parasitic forces, & the lowest element of society. Imbalanced, rebellious, & bored teenagers & metalheads shot full of beer, marijuana, & narcotics, who take more tips from Death & Black Metal bands & horror movies than The Satanic Bible. These took the destructive path in the "Satan / Devil" stage of rebellion, & never progressed. Religious Satanism {CoS} is completely removed from any such judeo-xian myth & cartoonish dualistic perceptions. Satan is a powerful symbol, a representation of a philosophy-----a principle. A principle of mastery, responsibility, strength, intelligence, discipline, honesty with oneself, & elitism. True Individuality, free thought, resourcefulness, & leadership. We ARE diametrically opposed to xianity, which encourages herd / flock "mentality", incompetence, overall weakness, desensitization, & pre-set programming. The reason We call Ourselves "Satanists" is because of what the root word "Satan" means: The opposite. We collectively & individually represent THE OPPOSITE. From free-thinking to aesthetic expression. We have done so naturally our whole lives. Not to mention being attracted to dark imagery & the mysteries of nature & the Occult. We seek Power & Wisdom, which is not found in conventional religion, as those only serve to stifle true Will with a whitewash of out-dated, anti-life programmed ideals. Our fierce pride cannot allow us to be subjected to the will of some supposed "god" out there, dictating how we should live our own lives. That is in its essence, insulting. We resinate with that archetype as the prideful rebel & the keeper of mysteries. Who offers sensual delights & forbidden passions. We have the courage & dedication to accept the "forbidden fruit", & realize Our own divinity. In a world of servile followers, crouching under the shadow of the cross, & other such blindlight subjections, We prefer to be leaders & innovators. Wolves amongst sheep. There is no god above or below us. We are our own gods. Satanists, per se, have always existed, even when we were not called as such, even before the word was invented. Always the innovators, the iconoclasts. xianity has perpetuated fear amongst the populace-----the paranoia against what is new & revolutional {which is, at its core, the essence of Satan}, in either science, philosophy, art, music, or technology. Anything different being regarded as "evil", & "of the devil". They fear progress & change. Because, day after day, they feel their waning business slipping through the feeble fingers, like the ashes of their ancestors, who were long dead, even before their flesh was actually cold. Satan represents the very things they fear. So if evolution, progression, & refinement are of The Devil, than so am I! And damned proud of it! Their little guilt trips do not work upon Me, & no god stands before Myself! We do not "worship" THEIR devil, We worship the God within. And if we are called "evil" because of it, then so be it! We move in Power & Wisdom, as a literary bone-crushing tank, rumbling like thunder across the land, utterly smashing our destractors into dust, by applying logic & reason, not just blind "faith". Talk about building a house on sand instead of rock! With rationale & common sense, undiluted by unnatural programming, blindlight foolosophies, including weaka, the sooner an understanding of undefiled truth may be ascertained. Such blindlight religions are the wickedest scourges upon sanity the world has ever known. The Inquisition has not ended, it persists today still, in the form of altruism. Cloaked in a beautiful vestment, the enslavers await anxiously to slowly suffocate & ensnare subhuman sheep into their created hell, & to blind by the garishness of their empty light. Their churches are nothing more than spiritual slaughterhouses, reeking of lost dreams, regrets, fears, frustrations, & mournings. Satanists are born, not "made". Reading The Satanic Bible has been as a realization to Satanists. And likewise, the organization of the CoS is there for the Individual, not him/her for it. It is a resource that is available as needed, but is not the be-all end-all, like blindlight churches are to their brainless followers. Which is why we do not call ourselves a "congregation", but rather, a Cabal. An entity of cooperative Magicians working towards the same general goals, all to facillitate One's own overall personal endeavours. Joining CoS is more of a recognition for an organization that has had the bravery to proclaim Satanism as a religion, & to benefit from one another's knowledge, & contribute to an organized movement altogether. This, however, does not negate individuality. In fact, it is strengthened. Informational materials on Satanism are: @Literature The Satanic Bible The Satanic Rituals The Satanic Witch The Devil's Notebook Satan Speaks! ~by Dr. Anton Szandor LaVey The Secret Life of a Satanist The Church of Satan ~by HP Blanche Barton {all of the above are available at all major bookstores, including Tower Records, B Dalton Booksellers, & Barnes & Noble.} They are also available online @ Amazon Books. @Magazines The Cloven Hoof: Official Newsletter & Tribunal of The Church of Satan. The Black Flame: International Forum of The Church of Satan. {available through the Church of Satan address: Church of Satan: P.O. Box 210666 San Francisco, CA, 94121} Water must be allowed to find its own level. That is why in a way, xianity exists in one form or another, & in actuality, is more of a crippled mindset {alexithymia---read Tani Jantsang @ the HR Vad website}, than any particular religion. There will always be such types {i.e., blindlighters / alexithymics}, who are naturally slaves, misdirected masochists. However, it cannot be denied the amount of harm & setbacks such religions have placed upon the progress of the human race---all negative, which is why I consider blindlight idiotologies & foolosophies as inherantly inferior, which in turn, will attract those who are as such. Satanism has always existed in one form or another. Those who have been attracted towards "the Dark Side", the "Dark Gods", by whatever names they were called throughout history, in a diversity of cultural expressions. In fact, it could be called Dark Primal Paganism. The equivalents to dark deities that have received our respect throughout the ages, & as being reflective of ourselves. {c}Copyright by Draconis Blackthorne XXXIII A.S. / 1998 {666} c.e.