The Grunge Trend
Sociology / Music


The Devil's Diary

The Grunge Trend
The Second Coming of the Hippies


lowing in from the hills of beautiful Seattle, comes a vicious explosion of flattulance, its sound is that which is called "grunge..." Another little identity crutch to cling to for the commercialist public. With whining voices & effeminate gestures come the swivel-wristed bafoons to schlep across the stage, in their semi-concious haze. Sleepy-eyed, & dressed like vagabonds, they appear as the by-product of a wino-junkie & a mentally handicapped lumberjack with cerebral palsey.

It is primarily caucasian in populace, catering to the white-trash of the nation. The only trend since the hippies, where taking a shower & grooming onself for public intercourse is apparently discouraged.

Rare is the time when any of these plaid-dressed pseudo-metalhead bands exhibit any real talent. And if they happen to, their "live" performances are a resounding, redundant dissappointment. Who wants to see a bunch of twigs standing stationary, barely able to keep in time? Like that would make a difference anyway, considering the dissonance. What a bore. Simplistic lyrics lacking imagination, drowling about their last screw, or the last joint they smoked. Observations derived from an LSD trip. Needing intoxicants to make their life somewhat interesting.

Grunge is reject metal. Scrap metal. The scraps that fall by the wayside when forging the precision instrument of Heavy Metal. Just compare a band like "Nirvana" to that of King Diamond or Iced Earth, & observe where your priorities lie. Where music is concerned, never settle for second best.

Poop-culture crowds mindlessly girate to the next monotonous sound, record executives churning out anything that looks like it came form the north. Pitiful. Sorrowful. Disgusting. Brainless. Grunge is dying anyway, like just another trend. I personally think it died when that suicidal idiot Kurt Cobaine did. What kind of "nirvana" did he achieve? In fact, the only grunge that will be left is that which accumulates upon his coffin.


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