Letters From Hell
Draconis Blackthorne's Shadowmantium


Letters From Hell

The following shall display some of the email correspondence I have had over the last couple of years from interested parties on a variety of subject matter.

A response to a letter I received inquiring about Necronomicon:


Summon Satan

"Yes, I have experimented with Necronomicon before. Specifically, I used The Urilia Text exclusively, which contains some great suggestions, which I incorperated into My ritual practices. I tried the wax doll ritual, in which I actually DID divulge the name of the person from the flames. I also tried the ritual in which the altars of the 'holy' would be broken, "and their gods shall be sorely angered". The next morning, the church across the river went up in flames. Also, where the symbol of Azag-Thoth is not printed, I drew a sigil which impressed upon My mind, then performed a chaotic invocation "when the bear hangs by the tail" {I took that to mean Walpurgisnacht}, & for a few months after that, the news was filled with disaster after natural disaster. And while Me & My significant other were discussing the Lovecraftian mythos together at about 2am, the sigil I had enscribed within the closet wall seemed to have aided in causing a reaction in the ethers, as the combination of she & I speaking of the subject matter caused the door to violently shake, as if something was attempting to enter in this dimension.

With these rituals, I combined them with the preliminary invocations in TSB & TSR, which seems to work strongly with all cases. Even though Necronomicon was written largely as fiction, as with any other tome, the mind can create realities utilizing whatever methods are focused upon. Any work of fiction can become just as real as you want it to be, as is the essence of Magic, which is crossing the fine line between fantasy & reality. A thought to action. A dream to materialization. As above, so below. In My experimentations, Necronomicon served to sufficiently manifest the Microcosmic energies needed to conjure the Will."


In Nomine Satanas,
Draconis Blackthorne.


Summon Satan

"Intelligent Energy" is basically potential force. But is directionless unless activated & directed by thought. Case in point: The "Akashik Records" - a mass of potential energy in the ethers, in another "dimension", which is accessed & added to empower The Self. History has memory in & of itself. The energy-impressions Sorcerers & Witches before us looms to be tapped. Refer to Dr.'s "Music as Necromancy" essay in The Devil's Notebook for his explanation on this idea.

All minds are connected. While most are oblivious, we manipulate the populace because of that very connectiveness. Masters & slaves. We exist in a miasma of psychic energy, which I picture as transmutating energy.

When enough energy is placed into an archetype, an icon, it builds its own traits, as an extension of the Self, which helps to manifest the "Super-Self", as it were. xians created their own hell for themselves, their own heaven, their own destinations, their own god - a completely different universe than ours. They are alien to us, as we are to them. Although xians are decidedly lower-life forms.

I agree that Satan can be seen as 'inertia', versus stasis. Constant movement & evolution. Satan as Macrocosm is physics. Satan as Microcosm is Will. When they are joined, that is when physics is altered. Satan as All can be equated to Chi.


Infernal Salutations,

Summon Satan

Sigils hold power in the reaction they initiate in the person viewing them. It is recommended you formulate a personal sigil & employ it for your rituals. Personally, I have empowered objects & symbols not only by ascribing particular meanings into its different aspects, as what each part represents, but also in its initial construction, such as in the case of the mandala. When drawing a sigil from scratch, concentrating on its meaning to you while embiung it with whatever purpose is at hand. Such as the creation of a destruction sigil on a parchment of destruction, thus 'sealing' it. Same goes for lust, compassion, wealth, etc. To inaugerate a sigil, you may wish to asperge it, fumigate it, pass it over the black flame, & anoint it with earth & oil, while dedicating it to its role.

In Nomine Satanas,
Draconis Blackthorne.




Infernal Greetings.........

Summon Satan

I am pleased you enjoyed The Shadowmantium. Your compliments are well appreciated.

You will find all you need to know about Satanism by reading THE SATANIC BIBLE by Anton Szandor LaVey. The Nine Satanic Statements therein are the foundations of Satanic ideology. You will find the spells & philosophy you seek.

The Satanic religion has been called a sort of "un-religion religion", in that members of The Church of Satan are not servile followers, but instead, excel in life on their own merits & wits. COS is a CABAL---an organization of cooperative, dynamic Individuals working towards the same general goals.

Initially, COS was founded BY atheists & agnostics who felt that xianity, & the rest of the blindlight zombie foolosophies, had failed in their moral obligations to humanity. Satanism employs rational self-interest, & a study into the Darkside of Nature.

Persuing passion, indulgence, wisdom, knowledge, & Power. As such, we are OUR OWN gods, & have no ruler above or below us. We USE the ARCHETYPE of Satan, as representing the rebellious spirit in man, the thirst for "forbidden" knowledge, that is the wisdom of the gods. We CHOSE the word SATAN, as it literally means "the opposite" & "the accuser". Indeed, the reverse of xian complaciency & herd mentality. We employ Psychodramatic rituals & ceremonies to manifest Our wills. Satanism is the ONLY religion that accepts man as he/she is, & augments One's personal attributes to the highest extremes. There is no patriarchy OR matriarchy dominance amongst our own. We are, & have always been, the MASTERS of the world, whether named or not, by our own superior genetic constitution.

Satanists are BORN, not made.

"You're either a REAL Satanist, a TRUE Satanist, or not. And if your ARE, you were BORN that way."
~ Anton LaVey.

If you are a Satanist, The Satanic Bible will be a realization of yourself. You will learn to embrace the black flame that burns softly & fiercly within you.

For more information about Satanism on the net, go to My Devil's Web section, & peruse the sites under Satanism. You will find a plethora of additional knowledge there, including COS membership info, if you are so inclined.

Since you are a fetish model, & exhibit a firm grasp on darkly tittilating sensuality, I believe you will find THE SATANIC WITCH by Anton LaVey of great interest. Both THE SATANIC BIBLE & THE SATANIC WITCH are available at most major bookstores.


In Nomine Satanas,
Draconis Blackthorne.


On the practice of Magic

Infernal Salutations,

Summon Satan

If you do not already own The Satanic Bible by Anton LaVey, purchase it. The outlines for performance of Satanic Magic is presented therein. Secondly, for more complex rites, purchase The Satanic Rituals by the same author, & follow the guidelines therein.

Rituals can be as complex or as simple as you feel the desire to perform them. One can incorperate as little or as much symbology as is personally required. Do not limit yourself to any one manner or standard. For instance, you may wish to use a green candle for wealth, enscribing the symbol for currency thereupon, & burn a parchment with your wish in its flame. And for healing, a black candle has always been beneficial to the Satanist. If you feel the desire to combine these processes with certain types of incense, it should be whatever is pleasing & relative to the psyche - whatever serves to manifest the inner energies to combine with The Dark Force Satan.

Upon entering The Ritual Chambre, ANYTHING is possible, all that you desire shall come to pass - there must be no doubt whatsoever.

As far as waiting for the results to occur, it is advised that you do not wait at all. Instead, after you have vented your desire within the context of the rite, concern yourself with other persuits, as you have already created an impression upon the ethers to bring your will about. Before you expect it, it shall manifest. Of course then, take absolute full advantage of it.

In Nomine Satanas,
Draconis Blackthorne.
February 1st, XXXVI A.S.






Summon Satan

All humans ARE animals, whether they want to admit it or not, despite moralistic & foolosophical fantasies. As animals, some are superior to others {not by any ethnic predispositions, mind you}. This is what {lower man}. Satanism propagates such a stratification as a recognition of evolution. Water must be allowed to find its own level, as Nature may flow unhampered by the lower man's predisposition to self-deceit.

Our four-legged brothers & sisters are neither "superior" NOR "inferior" to the human animal, merely different. They naturally fall into their roles without question or doubt, as they rely on instinct. Some argue that those of four-paws are even superior to humans, in that they have retained their natural {read: magical} properties without such mental incumberances such as self-righteous religions & idiotologies. Children are as such as well, by the way.

As the natural magicians that they are, great lessons can be learned by observing them, & thus, reconnecting with that charm that is lost to so many. Animals & children are venerated in Satanism. To be one's own god, means that you place no other gods before the Self, & you recognize that all fortune results as an effect of one's own efforts. We look within ourselves, not outside to some guilt-inducing celestial tyrannical phantom in the clouds. Both "Satan" & "God" are seen as forces in nature, & as representative of metaphorical principles. Your read of The Satanic Bible will reveal this to greater elaboration.

To learn about Satanism, which is decidedly more atheistic {not xian propaganda & myth-mongering}, read The Satanic Bible, The Satanic Rituals, The Satanic Witch, The Devil's Notebook, & Satan Speaks! by Anton Szandor LaVey, all available at major bookstores such as Tower Records, Barnes & Noble, & B. Dalton Booksellers. Or you may order through Amazon books online, @ http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0380015390/qid%3D912627769/002-086916 7-2532840.

In Nomine Satanas,
Draconis Blackthorne.

More about animal nature
Summon Satan

The humanimal is not necessarily "superior" to the animal, he just has a lot of mental problems. What other animals create & do is sufficient for them, & not to be judged from a humanimal perspective, as we are different species. They too have their ranking systems of heigharchy.

When humans can return to themselves, embracing their primal selves, then shall mental evolution occur. Otherwise, it's all habitual & programmed. A return to Nature is needed.

Blood, Gore, Death
Summon Satan

Foreign cultures do no 'protect' their citizenry from images of blood & gore, in a cultivated ignorance, but merely accept it as a fact of life, & show it on the news uncensored. Or justice is ocnducted in public squares, where the criminal is beheaded & otherwise appropriately punished. Those cultures also progress, without all the sanctimonious refuse. They do have their own blindlight variations, of course, but it's not as twisted as the western JC religion.

Mythological Projections & Manifestations
Summon Satan

I believe people can project, & be generators for potential god-forms. With this, certain dimensional pockets may develop, a doorway opened upon focus & concentration {the key}. Deities are as only as real as the power & quality of the person manifesting & weilding them. Of course, many choose to be subserveint to the very force they conjure & help sustain {example: Moseic god as an externalization of Moses' ego --- jewish cultists preserve & sustain its existence IN THEIR OWN LIVES}. Others, such as Satanists, will wield the Forces of Nature for gratification & necessity.

More about Satan
Summon Satan

As much as I project & manifest My will. Satan would essentially be MY HAND in the ethers, carrying out My will. In this sense, I consider Satan to be a Daemon-Brother, the aeshetic/philosophical/magical representation of The Dark Side. LHP. Diabolus, as in "flowing downwards" {the natural (carnal) path, whereas the RHP could be considered as "flowing upwards", taking the impossible unnatural ('spiritual') direction.

Path of The Strong. Yang. Dark Force in Nature, Entropy. Kali-Yuga. The innate darkness that permeates all living things of Nature, beings that are whole & truly pure.

I do, however, have a theory that xoids have manifested their own deities in their own lives, & even spatial dimensions. As have all blindlight religions. It's whether or not you choose to tap into their dimensions that will determine what is 'real' to the individual. Apart from some of the metaphorical parables & quaint tales of the J/C legends, I have no use for their influence.

Consider this: in their mythology, their "Devil", villain, arch-nemesis, badguy, monster, what have you, gets destroyed in their apocalypse --- it loses to their big daddy god. I, for one, choose not to ally Myself with losers. Whether formed or formless, metaphor or actual. I tap into far more deep within Myself, & whatever reservoires of imprinted cognition the cosmos may hold.

My Satan I have created for Myself. It is an extension of Myself. I Am Satan. Satan Is Me. I love the horror & the beauty of it, which interchanges into one Dark Angel.

On The Power of the mind......

Can the human mind indeed project such powerful imagery? Summon Satan

Yes. It's all in the mind. The brain is the beginning & ending of all perception. All so-called "spiritual" experiences, like the delusions of Moses, are all ultimately products of the all-mighty mind. The brain is God, angels, devils, etc. Never under-estimate neuro-functions. Whether perceived by the imagination {left brain}, or the practicality {right brain} of existence. Everything you have done, the Power comes from The Self. This is a fundamental understanding of Satanism.

The human mind is capable of so much more than has been documented by parapsychology, the other 90% of the mind, which, as Witches & Warlocks, we evolve to fully utilize.

Martial Arts Summon Satan

Actually, boxing never really interested Me, & find it rather boring, considering I have a Martial Arts background. My one-time TKD Sensei, although being only about 5'6", could more than likely make fast work of both of these erstwhile "sports heroes". I see boxers as essentially brutes - but Kick-Boxers are another issue altogether.

I have attended & participated in several tournaments encompassing many different styles, including Kenpo, Tae Kwon Do, Bushido, Hap-Ki-Do, Kendo, Kung Fu, Aikido, Judo, & Ninjutsu. And the Ninjas won out every time, although Ninjas do not tend to participate in these large scale events, preferring to remain personal & intimate events pertaining to the particular Dojo - & this was the case with the Dux Ninjutsu Dojo, run by Frank W. Dux, the only officially-recognized Ninjutsu Dojo in the southland - so of course, Ninjas were normally not at the conglomerate events, but out in nature, utilizing the Chi - Yin - Yang. Sensei Dux is actually the only American to have trained with actual Ninjas in Japan, & a movie was made called "Bloodsport" based on his life story of the underground Kinjite tournament, which is "Mortal Kombat" FOR REAL.

Actually, there was a story in which a TKD Black Belt entered Dux's Dojo to challenge him. The deal was, if he could defeat a yellow-belt ninja, Dux would consent to a match. The yellow belt ended up completely annihilating the challenger - he essentially left with his bruised-up tail between his legs.

A christian who espouses the use of violence or Martial Arts or boxing, I feel is a hypocrite any way, as he should turn the other cheek like a good sheep of christ. I see Martial Arts as inherantly Satanic. HAIL SATAN.

About so-called "ex-satanists"
Summon Satan

There is no such thing as an "ex-Satanist", anymore than there is such a thing as an "ex-wolf", or "ex-snake". Satanists are born this way, period. In our formative years, we may have explored into different arenas, but eventually we find Ourselves back in the embrace of the darkness of the Abyss. Always a return to The Self. The Flesh. Selfishness.

So-called "ex-satanists" {really devil-worshippers} who decry the 'evils' of Satanism {like Sean Sellers (sellout)}, never really left the confines of the blindlight, but only took the view, or role provided for them by their xian forefathers. Devil-worhippers defined by xoids, thus, ratifying, justifying their cause, & thus, strengthening xianity. These types should really just go back to church {which they never really left}, where they belong. True Satanists are not so easily pigeon-holed. We are not here to be poked & prodded. Verily, we have torn the fabric of conventionality, & shamelessly take the truly opposing position, the heretical position. We do not merely re-act, but pro-act.

Remember, being a Satanist is not only a matter of ideology, but biology. We are naturally superior. We are not shuffling around in a foolisophical maze, we are the gamesmasters, overlooking the maze to decipher the beginning & end, & even interjecting elements therein as it occurs to us.

A daemon puppeteers the strings on which an idol is affixed, & upon the strings on the puppet's hands is that of a commoner. Get it? We are the gods. We have many forms. Angels of Light or Daemons of Darkness. Whatever is necessary to suit our particular purpose. I do not concern Myself with matters of the herd unless it will benefit Me in some way. To hunt. I Am whatever I have to be to manipulate, to dominate, & only those who are worthy, do I respect enough to bestow consideration or attention. That is the nature of Elitism. And we as Satanists are elitists. I concern Myself with Satanic issues, not xian ones. HS!

In Nomine Satanas, Draconis Blackthorne.

Q&A: How do I sell my soul?

As an answer to some correspondence I have received on the subject of "Selling one's soul", which I have received time & time again, the following answer can act as a FAQ. _____________________________________________________________ Summon Satan Pact with Satan It is not necessary, but some people feel a need to express their dedication to the Dark side of life with a ceremonial rite. This can be a beginning into the Occult, marking a realization & strong will to the practice of Magic.

If you have not already done so, read The Satanic Bible by Anton Szandor LaVey, which covers this topic under the chapter "Hell, The Devil, & How To Sell Your Soul". It is not mandatory to 'sell your soul' to be a Satanist, but there is a Satanic Baptism written in The Satanic Rituals {by ASLV} in which one can commemmorate one's allegiance to The Dark Forces. A sort of 'Initiation Rite'.

However, if this is what you yourself feel is appropriate to manifest your will, then it is most effective to concoct a procedure for your own Individual purpose. It would generally entail a resolution, & promise to oneself to accomplish a goal, in the name of The Devil. You can, if you wish, take some cues from various nefarious films or books {so long as it does not entail the infringement upon someone else's will, as this is an intensely personal act} - whatever is psychodramatically stimulating to The Self. Use your Imagination.

{In the following excerpt, a preacher emailed Me inquiring into Satanism, & the following are the answers I provided.}

Summon Satan

Noted. Yet this does not change the effects of the whiteplague on humanity. The religion & the dogma are established. Those stupid christians will continue to gravitate towards foolosophies which will enslave, & seek idiotolgies which will justify their own aberrancies in the name of 'god'. Hypocritical masochists.

There are so many interpretations, that the individual will gravitate to what suits them best. Will they be a master or a slave? Water will find its own level.

When christianity returns to being a minority religion {in this country}, some other blindlight belief will pervaid, it is inevitable. The christian type is a neurochemical contruct --- it will just be jesus in another form.

I have noticed that when christians become angry, they resort to the old testament, & find vicarious justifications & erstwhile 'vengeance' in the 'god' portrayed therein. According to theologians, christians are supposed to be now in a state of grace, the old testament rendered void by jesus' 'golden rule', which pretty much covers the '10 commandments' & more.

The last scripture in the J/C bible {revelations} is rendered impotent by the opportunistic rulers of history {& currently, I will add}, who merely utilized the scriptures to hold sway over the peasantly masses. Who themselves NEED to be controlled, no matter what PC fads may dictate. Again, Masters & slaves.

The puppeteer will continue to control those who will subject themselves, which is the majority of sheeple. And it shall always continue to be so. It is human {& super-human} nature.

There is no heaven, there is no hell. There is no god. All the rest is fantasy. Misery & Pleasure are here on earth. Take what you will while you can, or be the wastrel filled with ignorance & regrets.

Nomatter the 'translation', Might Is Right. He who places himself in the role of God, will be victorious.

The Satanic Individual, whatever they call themselves {as actions are evident} throughout history has manipulated the masses, & have risen to prominance.They have fashioned kingdoms & societies according to their will. Rome {Nero, Caesar, Caligula, et al} Napoleon {France}; Hitler {Germany}; King Ferdinand & Queen Isabella, Cortes {Spain}; Hannibal {Africa}; the Pharaoes {Egypt}; Genghis Kahn, Kublai Kahn {Mongolia}, the Czars or Russia, even the popes, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera...... The wheel of the gods continually turn as time goes on. One culture's god/s who have been conquored, become the subsequent devils of the next.

No matter what fiction you choose to cling to, it does not discount the ebb & flow of Nature, & the inter-relation between the earth's inhabitants, as predator & prey.

Psychologists would identify you as a clinger, as necessitating an "invisible friend" & a "big-daddy god". Such are the things of childsplay. But I also understand that you have placed a lot of energy in your "spiritual" business, & would be resistant towards undefiled wisdom & change.

Satanism is the only religion which accepts man as he naturally is, & propagates the development of the ego --- pride in the Self. Instead of undermining his evolution & innovation with anti-self blindlight foolosophy.

If everyone began responsibly concentrating on themselves, being truly independant in thought & deed, instead of handouts & dependance on others, then the world would indeed be a much better place.

Greed is a natural motivating element in the human psyche, absolutely normal. When anything becomes over-obsessive, it may become detrimental. I say follow your greed until you get what you want, then savour the moment, & bask in your accomplishment.

Fear is also absolutely normal. All animals feel it. It inspires caution & is an element of self-preservation. To thwart or subvert either of these emotions would result in a delusion. A denial of factuality. Pretending towards unhealthy & possibly self-destructive illusions.

I do not wish to 'convert' anyone to My way of thinking. That would be presumptuous. I do not wish that all may believe that Might Is Right. I Am more inclined in preserving the gullible in their ignorance & pipe-dreams. As it should be.

I Am perfectly content in My realization of reality. I do not need to look beyond Myself, or anything to worship. I Am more than enough.

My love & consideration, like My hate, must be earned. True love & true hate are very rare commodities. I do unto My "neighbor" as I would have them do unto Me. But if My courtesy is not returned, they shall be either ignored, or be punished, depending upon their offense.

To spread one's "love" thin, or hatred, for that matter, towards those who are ingrates, or incapable, or unworthy of receiving it, would only dilute the richness of those emotions.


Tattoos & Tribalism Summon Satan

Tattoos are a way for people to stigmatize themselves. In modern society, mass amounts of tattoos become 'freakish'-looking; it's a way to stand apart from the rest; it is a practice of The Lighthouse Effect.

'Enigma', the puzzle-man from The Jim Rose Circus, has made himself a veritable true freak in this way. Freak in a carnival-tradition sort of way, not as some mere insult. It is an expression of one's inner-nature, or what one hopes to be. You wear it on your sleeve, so to speak, or in this case, on your skin.

I personally would not apply too much ink to Myself, or none at all. If I were to tatoo something on Myself, it would probably be My Dracomet symbol, which would be placed somewhere tasteful, like on the upper arm or on the chest over the heart. The resurgence in Tribalism spawns back to myriad cultures who held these markings as status symbols - the more elaborate, or even frightening {to intimidate the enemy} in some cases, the more potent the warrior or ruler or witchdoctor was. In some cultures, tatooing was applied to women as a sign of eroticism - again, to signify rank amongst the Geisha.

The Samurai, not to mention the Ninja - the dragon was most often the chosen symbol.

Most of it has religious connotations. It has been considered rather beautiful, as in the human canvas.

Now, of course, since the xians came along to corrupt the pagan significance, labelling the flesh as belonging to "God", it has been named a 'sin'. I see absolutely no problem with tattooing, so long as it is done as a way to beautify the individual, thereby, beautifying the environment overall.

Some 'skin art' in history have been considered worthy enough to keep after death. They became decorative fixtures, such as lampshades, framed art pieces, & drum skins.

Unfortunately, nowadays, this is less often the case. Tattooing can appear quite crass & trashy.

However, a well-placed tattoo on a curvy leg can be quite alluring! So, depending upon the placement, the image, the meaning, depending upon the individual's sense of the aesthetic, it can even help expose their predispositions. But this is all obviously on a mere aesthetic level, what ultimately truly matters is the brain behind the ink, but it can be revealing; it can be demystifying.

One thing is for sure, if you're thinking of getting one, make sure there is forethought involved, & not as some spontaneous drunken act. Your tatoo can say to the world, "hey, look at me! I'm am idiot!", or be an expression of your interests, or, with a nicely hidden one, no one can be the wiser, except for yourself, or anyone you so choose to see it --- wherever it may be.......

It can be quite an ice-breaker & an enticing device if you choose it to be. A veritable tool of manipulation. HS!

{Another interested party......}

Summon Satan

One of the things I love about Satanism, is that our philosophy draws from EVERY culture. There is a rich heritage to learn from. There are "Satanists" in every culture, whether called "disciples of evil", "'worshippers' of the Dark Gods" by the ignorant masses, whatever. To us, they are simply Satanists. Dissenters. Rebels. Opposers. Iconoclasts. Inventors. Trodders in the forbidden realms, whatever the context. This still does not mean one cannot be proud of one's racial heritage, as long as it does not intercede with common sense. There are biological differences in the race, but this only makes them different, not superior one over the other. Superiority is based on the Quality of the Individual, not a matter of pigment!

I like to think that My writing inspires people to action. Who, depending on their disposition, will be either beneficial, or detrimental, but either way, it is stratification!


Q. MR Blackthorne,

you don't know me as of yet but never the less I have a question for you in that on a site intituled left path they say not to harm little children yet what if I and this is off the record mind you decided I so desired to engage in sexual intercourse with a little girl because it feels good to do something so bad,and lets say for the sake of this letter that I did not get caught in the act. would I in my carnal want for forbidden fruit be in volition of a COS principle or would it be OKAY not considering the hypothetical childes feelings and assuming I did not get caught? I will tell you right away I am not a cop I am not trying to intrap you or am not a fanatic seeking to prove a narrow minded point. I Await your unbiased replay.

A. The Eleven Satanic Rules of the Earth are clear. #9 states: DO NOT HARM LITTLE CHILDREN.

Engaging in such behaviour will cause confusion & trauma in the child, inevitably land you in jail, where the inmates will undoubtably impose their own justice. Be this your unfortunate predisposition, sometimes it is better to with-hold immediate gratification for a greater consideration of self-preservation. Use common sense.

I refer you to page 70 of The Satanic Bible:

"Satanism DOES NOT advocate rape, child molesting, sexual defilement of animals, or any other form of sexual activity which entails the participation of those who are unwilling or whose innocence or naivete' would allow them to be intimidated or misguided into doing something against their wishes."

{On the subject of familiars......}

Summon Satan

......I wouldn't say cerebral as much as INSTINCTUAL. I have found that watching animals just be themelves can serve as a great meditation in & of itself. A focus on the core. Like Doktor said, "the animals must be our gurus now". Remember The 7th Satanic Statement?

I have often "chatted" with My familiars, sharing ideas & thoughts.....I have even seen through their eyes. Sharing & contributing to My time as they do, it has greatly helped to keep Me PURE. That is to say, in My animalistic Magical state of being, cutting through the blindlight spiritual delusions spewed by fools. They are part of My total environment.

Indeed, few are they who can actually COMMUNICATE with animals. All that the human animals seems to want to do is dominate the rest of the animal kingdom. There is little respect for the beasts of the field. This is a gross injustice. Apart from feeding & defending ourselves, the four-legged animals should be given the respect they deserve, as many times, superior to that of humanimals, because they are PURE --- they have not deluded themselves with LIES, which is a distinctly human foible. When a return to the natural Satanimal-Beast is attained & developed, then can true evolution take place. Great are those who have already attained this Satanic plateu! Hail the Satanist!

A brief word about evilution Summon Satan

When I read the Satanic Bible at the age of 15, I realized that I was a Satanist. I found that I had essentially been living My life with the ideologies described therein without even knowing it. So when I read the text, I placed a name to what I Am. And being that Satan means The Opposite, representing the Strong over the weak, the Master over the Slave, the leader over the follower, Wolf over Sheep, Individual over mass, quality over equality. I found it very easy to make the transition. Deriving My opinions about other religions from first-hand experience, I discovered through trial & error that I simply did not resonate with those. I agree with you in that everyone has the freedom to decide what they gravitate towards without reproach, but I also hold the belief that Satanism is an elitist religion, which it is. If people are attracted to religions which preach of servility, humility, abstinence, 'love thy enemy', etc., let them at it. They can be the best slaves they can be. But by & large, most people call themselves christians, jews, hindus, etc., out of habit - mostly because it is cultural. These days, the new god is television, with its mind-numbing drone & edicts on trend thinking. I Am a creative Individual Myself, & as such, find most interaction with people {sheeple} frustrating, which is also why I Am a Social Darwinist & Misanthropist as well, both of which coincide with Satanism nicely. Satanism IS the ultimate alternative to herd-mentality & institutationalized thought. As such, I was attarcted to The Church of Satan, which is a cabal of free-thinkers, not a congregation of lemmings like other religions are. Since Satanism is largely Atheistic, with some psychodrama thrown in for imaginative stimulation & the enforcement of the will towards that which may not have necessarily been responsive to the usual modes of secular operation, Satanists turn the table to the benefit of The Self. Magic works, in other words. Again, as I have divulged through personal experience. We use trigger words to manifest the dynamic energies for the activation of certain forces. But there are no gods above or below The Self. We are ultimately the be all end all of all.

So I found other belief-systems unsatisfactory, to say the least, & have since evolved towards higher plateus. I have found that most higher-life-forms cannot honestly resonate towards religions designed to subvert the ego & human potential. It is not surprising Satanism is its opposite - that is, accepting man as he really is, nurturing his natural talents, skills, dispositions, proclivities, indulgences, creativity, all within reason. Satanism is against repression, mediocrity, abstinence, & culturally-induced stupidity. HAIL SATAN

Why is Leviathan on the Sigil of Baphomet?

Summon Satan Leviathan is the serpent of the deep, who represents all those things which are submerged in the subconcious, metaphorically described as The Abyss. Leviathan can be traced to The Old Testament, as signifying Satan, "The Old Serpent" - which perfectly accomidates the element of water. "Leviathan - {Hebrew} The Serpent out of the deeps, the sea, the West." ~ The Satanic Bible.

"Leviathan a transliterated Hebrew word (livyathan), meaning "twisted," "coiled." In Job 3:8, Revised Version, and marg. of Authorized Version, it denotes the dragon which, according to Eastern tradition, is an enemy of light; in 41:1 the crocodile is meant; in Ps. 104:26 it "denotes any large animal that moves by writhing or wriggling the body, the whale, the monsters of the deep." As used in Isa. 27:1, "leviathan the piercing [R.V. 'swift'] serpent, even leviathan that crooked [R.V. marg. 'winding'] serpent," the word may probably denote the two empires, the Assyrian and the Babylonian." - Easton's 1897 Bible Dictionary.

Here is some more information: http://www.churchofsatan.com/Pages/BaphometSigil.html

Etymological Nomeclature and Satanic Magic

Following is part of a letter shared with an inquirer as to the nature of Satanic Magic and etymological nomenclature.



Infernal Salutations,

Summon Satan There really is no difference in the definitions of what a 'magician' is versus a 'sorcerer', except in what you feel most comfortable using. These words mean the same thing. Both refer to those who wield Magic to gratify the selfish Will. It seems that what you are referring to in relation to the question you posed about what would harm oneself by the practice of certain Magical practices - this is a foible frequently used by newagers and weakans to establish a guilt-trip, such as the so-called "Law of Three", which is akin to "The Golden Rule", in establishing that which would prevent the Magician from reaching virtual omnipotence in his/her rites. It cripples the Will to complete Power - that of a Satanic God. And because of this, Satanic Magic has been considered Dark and Black Magic - and under this definition, I would say it is assuredly so. The deepest and darkest of all. Satanism holds no such limitations of what blindlighters would propose. The only consideration you should think about is whether or not your blessing, spell, or curse is appropriately applied. For instance, for a curse to work, it must be placed with good reason, as for revenge - this would be the crux of Diabolic Justice. For a Lust Spell, just consider your own desire - pure lust, which may sometimes lead to love it you wish. And for a Satanic Blessing, it is the emotion you feel for the intended receptor, either someone else or oneself - pure love, compassion, or grief.

When you cast your hex, the energy of hatred you project will balance the scales of the misjustice done to you - you relieve yourself of the offending element, as well as bestow peace of mind, retaining Satanic Grace.

As to the Love Spell you mentioned, it is exceedingly easy for a female to attract her desired partner, for women are essentially the very personafication of erotica. Recommend she read The Satanic Witch by Anton Szandor LaVey, and she will not fail.

A Commentary about membership in CoS
Summon Satan

More than anything, membership within The Church of Satan is a gesture of recognition, to aligning oneself with other Satanists, & recognizing Dr. LaVey as being responsible for unearthing this religion into prominance. It is the gesture of entering into a Cabal of Strong Individuals, where the true definition of Satanism is emphasized, not devil-worship or new age garbage.

It is a statement of appreciation for the realization that one is a Satanist, having read The Satanic Bible. Dr. LaVey associated with the Individuals of The Council of Nine, & thus, recognized their efficacy as The Strong.

Let it be known, that CoS is not a pen-pal club, & is not intended for professional "joiners" seeking validation for their existence. It is in essence, an "unreligion religion" ----- an organization dedicated to the empowerment of the Individual, who wishes to count themselves as Citizens of The Infernal Empire, with others of like-mind who are working towards productive goals.

Very little is accomplished in any religion or cause without organization.

Think of it this way:

A gathering of Free-thinkers & eccentrics benefitting from this movement. CoS does not SEEK members, however, nor proseletize, nor "evangelize", but the information is available to whomever is interested. It is up to you. I appreciate what Dr. LaVey has done, registering as a member is the least one can do. I, for One, felt a great "epiphany."

Hail The Church of Satan!

More on Satanism

Summon Satan Satanism is a religion of the flesh - a sort of "religious atheism", or "militant atheism", if you will. The only religion to accept man as he naturally is - a carnal animal. The term "Satan" is applied in the semantic sense, literally translated as "Accuser" & "The Opposer" - The Satanist is the"devil's advocate", a "personafication of Satan", expressing the alternative viewpoint. Often the uncomfortable tryptichal comprehension.

Church of Satan founders were essentially atheists & agnostics who felt it was timely to organize a religion dedicated to rational self-interest, as well as meet to experiment with various psychological concepts in the form of rituals, ceremonies, & devices, which are also beneficial & empowering to the psyche. Magic does work, but results derive from the person themself, who resonates with etherial Dark Earthly forces collectively called "Satan". The proof is in the ever-increasing catalogued fulfillments of the Magician. Rituals & ceremonies ultimately serve as meditations, to force one's will into activation. The Satanist exploits certain mythological elements from various traditions for psychodramatic effect.

Satanists do not "worship" a literal deity, with the exception of The Self - the epitome of Godhood. There is no "Heaven", there is no "Hell" - except in the sense of either a pleasurable or miserable existence on earth.

To christians, in their dualistic cartoon world, the character Satan indeed represents all that is evil, reprehensible, etc., & this concept has been a convenient scapegoat to redirect & avoid responsibility, while deluding themselves as being a part of some sort of "spiritual warfare", & creating a bit of eustress at the same time.

To the Satanist, dualistic conceptions such as "good" & "evil" are completely relative to the individual, & dogmatisms were invented by christian church leaders to regulate mass behaviour. "Beyond Good & Evil" by Frederich Nietchzie is a tremendous source of elucidation on this subject, & will shed some knowledge of the foundations of Satanic philosophy.

For further information on Satanism, go to the source: The Satanic BIble by Anton LaVey, which explains the philosophy as written by a Satanist. In addition, peruse the official site @ http://www.churchofsatan.com


Summon Satan I have divulged My opinions from first-hand experience with christian death-cults. christianity is inherantly self-destructive to the mind & emotions, as it serves to apply servility upon its followers, whereas Satanism proposes Self-determination & personal responsibility, gratification of The Ego & the senses, & the improvement & empowerment of Oneself. Satanists do not seek to convert anyone. It is at its core, an elitist religion, & there are far too few who can measure up. This is proven by the process of stratification, where individuals realize what they are, & work with the best of what they have to evolve past mediocrity & mass-conciousness. To become In & Of Themselves. This introspection will show externally as well, with accomplishments that will cause a unique mark - a Devil's Mark, if you will - upon the world, & history. Satanism is the only religion which accepts man as the animal that he is, thereby exhaulting the flesh {thereby the Mind & Emotions as well}, instead of suppressing & sunbverting it, while tempering the bestial with the logical & civil. This inevitably inspires evolution, which is the hallmark of the Superior Man.

It is agreed that in the case of blindlight religions, it mostly consists of minimal enlightenment, while the rest is comprised mainly of fantasy & fear, in order to keep their congregations in blissful ignorance. It is also asserted that most humans are of a slave-mentality, & depend on these belief-systems to direct & regulate them. Which is precisely why most people gravitate towards them, & not Satanism, as it serves to provide a place for the weak-minded.

In short, Satanism is a religion for The Strong. Satanism is a winner's creed. HAIL SATAN.

On Black Metal Musick & Satanic Iconography

Summon Satan I happen to enjoy some Heavy Metal & Black Metal music, & I Am certainly not what was described.

Very simply, the use of the wolf {or snake, lion, fox, etc.} archetype is in the recognition that the higher man is essentially a predator, & these animals can serve as motivational icons of strength.

One can consider guidelines written by those whom one holds respect for, & certain suggestions may then be willfully integrated. Satanists do not follow "blind faith" like spiritually-based religions do. Satanists are leaders unto themselves, who recognize the benefit of representatives, administrators, & symbolic figure-heads. Satanism has been called an "unreligion-religion" because of its cabal qualities, that is, cooperative individuals contributing their skills & talents for the ultimate benefit & gratification of The Self. It all returns to selfishness, as is the natural inclination of the beast that is man. I have allies that I have deemed worthy of commiseration.

A healthy Ego is championed & nurtured with a focus on one's accomplishments & desires. Honestly expressing Pride. Self-glorification is pro-active, promoting a deeper sense of self-preservation, leading to dynamic action {to say, attain a goal & materialize a dream}, more often more extensive & effective than the common mediocre lower-life forms of sub-humanity could ever realize.

It will be displayed that more than just a few notable individuals in the 'secular' world are Satanists, who are indeed "helping humanity" {as that would be their natural propensity, or for the love of their proffession, or to cure a loved one}. As far as destroying enemies, My curses have never failed.

I could care less how the herd has been conditioned to re-act to a Satanist, except, of course, in the manipulative aspects, & for amusement.

A man who can create a marvel, make an impression {of either extreme}, is worth more than he who can merely gripe about his superiors. A superior man is he who can look above & beyond trivialities, who can rise to the top of his chosen genre, by being the best individual he can be, remaining true to himself, responsibly following his passions. A truly great man can gaze upon what other great men have done, & seek to rise unto simular prominence based on one's own individual merits.

Life & Death

Summon Satan One's lifespan should be concentrated on personal pleasure & evolving the Self. All corpses will end up in a grave or urn, but what was done with your life? What did you do with your body & mind while in them? Will your ideas live on? Who were you? A nothing or a someone? Many times, this is a stratifying contemplation that seperates those who don't care {proles, assimilates, conformists, mindless consumers} who accomplish little or nothing, & are not remembered; blindlighters {the walking dead/dead to the Self/The flesh/Klippoths} who "lived their lives" in a regimented stricture of lies & delusions; And then the Mighty, who took life for all it's worth, & made an impression.

To this, I will add that even in death there is no equality, for some people make better looking corpses than others.

Satanism promotes elitism, & the concentration of what is important to oneself. Satanism glorifies the Ego, intensifies the Id, instead of tearing them down as blindlight foolosophies have done. To be true to the Self, to evolve unto one's highest potential, to see through constrictions fabricated for the commoner, to persue "forbidden" knowledge, to gravitate towards the darkside of the psyche, are only some of the qualities of the Satanist.

Communicating with others of simular interests {most of whom happen to be Satanists} has proven to be an invigorating & very useful resource - whether for a pleasant reparte', sharing ideas, or the further exercise of the mind. I have found that more often than not, other Satanists are interesting, polite, refined, educated, & contribute to My time, whereas most sheeple only display themselves to be obnoxious, rude, pretentious, & seek petty bitchfights to validate their existence. Why waste time on such lower humans? And there is absolutely nothing wrong with others complimenting oneself, or oneself complimenting others, when it is merited. Especially by those whom you mutually respect.

The Highest form of Existence

Summon Satan Satanists come from a varying degree of professions - not all wear pentagrams in public, you know. Being a Satanist is a state of biochemical & neurochemical evolution. The name is used to describe an individual who plays by his own rules, which would, by factuality, be the opposite of blindlight slave foolosophy. For an elaboration, educate yourself at the following URL: http://www.apodion.com/vad/ Satanists decry the nazarene ideal, as it represents servility. The term "Jesus" can just as well be a metaphorical description of an ideology as "Satan". Better a wolf than a sheep!

Satanism is the apex of elitism, individuality. This stated, let it be understood, that there is no such thing as egalitaranism. "Equality" is a farce foisted upon the stupid & inept - this fact realized, humanity is heigherarchical - the are Superiors, & inferiors. The Satanist is always evolving unto his or her highest potential, while others fall by the wayside.

"Satan" is a word which is etimologically defined as "the opposite." For an elaboration on Satanism, it is recommended to the novice or interested party to read The Satanic Bible by Anton Szandor LaVey. Upon reading this text, you will either comprehend the philosophy, & either agree with it, thus realizing you are a Satanist, or disagree with it based upon your own intellectual speculation & disposition, not soley based upon reactionary emotion alone. By & large, however, unfortunately, most people hate Satanism based upon what they do not know, nor can ever hope to comprehend. You either get it, or not.

Yes, the Satanist is, by definition & by predisposition, different. Satanism IS the ultimate alternative to herd mentality & institutionalized thought. HS!

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